
  • 网络drag bit;blade bit
  1. 刮刀钻头磨损规律的初步研究

    A preliminary study of wearing of drag bit

  2. 刮刀钻头钻进中几个问题的讨论

    Discussion to some problems about drilling with drag bit

  3. 用PDC四刮刀钻头,加快钻速,缩短浸泡时间;

    Using four blade PDC bit to improve penetration rate and shorten socking time ;

  4. 根据实验应力分析原理,研究了三种剖面形状的全尺寸PDC刮刀钻头在常压下钻进红砂岩和白砂岩时,切削齿上的工作载荷。

    On the basis of the principles of experimental stress analysis , this paper studies the working loads on cutting teeth on full scale PDC drag bits of three profiles separately , while drilling red sandstone and white sandstone under atmospheric pressure .

  5. 新型刮刀钻头刀片在某大桥施工中的应用

    The application of a new-type drilling scraper in one bridge construction

  6. 大庆调整井刮刀钻头优选参数钻井技术

    Optimal Parameter Techniques with Drag Bits in Adjustment Wells in Daqing Oilfield

  7. 刮刀钻头钻速规律的初步研究

    Preliminary study of drilling rate law for drag bit

  8. 通过改进刮刀钻头解决硬塑粘土层钻孔施工的难题

    Surmounting Difficulties of Boring in Hard Plastic Clay Stratum Through Improving Drag Bit

  9. 调整井刮刀钻头与牙轮钻头使用特性对比分析

    Comparative Analyses of Working Performances between Drag Bits and Roller Bits Used in Adjustment Wells

  10. 刮刀钻头喷嘴直径对井底流场的影响研究

    Study on the Effect of the Nozzle of Drag Bits on Bottom Hole Flow Field

  11. 针对钻头包泥堵钻和钙质胶结层难以进尺等影响钻进效率的几个问题,对刮刀钻头结构进行了改进设计,并取得了令人满意的效果。

    Aimed at resolve the several problems which affect drilling efficiency , such as balling up and calcareous cementation , the design of blade bits was modified .

  12. 在软岩地层中使用刮刀钻头进行钻孔灌注桩施工时,能获得很高的钻进效率,但在强度偏高、脆性偏差的软岩地层中钻进时,其钻进效率很低。

    Compared with drilling in soft rock of higher strength and poorer brittleness , the drilling of concrete pile by drag bits in soft rock sees higher efficiency .

  13. 通过156口调整井钻井试验,对比分析了刮刀钻头和牙轮钻头的钻进特性、牙齿磨损特性、井底流场特性及钻井效果。

    Through drilling experiment in 156 adjustment wells , the drilling behaviors , cutter wear , downhole jet flow field and drilling effect of drag bits and roller ones were comparatively analyzed .

  14. 适用于地质勘探的取心钻头,煤炭采掘的电煤钻头、截煤机齿,石油钻井的牙轮钻头和刮刀钻头。

    For coring crowns , electric coal drill bits , coal cutting picks , cone drill bits and scraping knife bits , used in geological prospecting , coal mining and oil well boring .

  15. 本文介绍了长沙矿山研究院研制成的一种实验室用并适用于钻凿软至硬岩孔的连续水射流钻机及与其相适应的两种新型水力-刮刀钻头。

    The paper describes a waterjet-aided drill which , successfully developed by Changsha Institute of Mining Research , is useful in laboratory and capable of drilling holes both in soft and hard rock .

  16. 此段地层采用牙轮(刮刀)钻头钻进。

    Drilling with cone ( drag ) bit in the section .