
  • 网络jet drilling;AJD
  1. 浅析井下增压超高压喷射钻井的影响因素

    The influence factors of down - hole boost overpressure jet drilling

  2. 国内外超高压喷射钻井技术研究探讨

    Study on Domestic & Foreign Ultra-high Pressure Jet Drilling Technique

  3. 关于喷射钻井的理论基础&湍流射流理论与普朗特(Prandtl)假设

    On the theoretical basis of jet-drilling-the theory of turbulent jet and prandtl 's hypotheses

  4. 喷射钻井水力参数与泥浆流变参数互相适应的优选方法

    Calculation of hydraulic parameters and mud rheologic parameters in jet drilling

  5. 通用喷射钻井水力程序设计软件的开发

    Development of Allpurpose Software for Designing Jet Drilling Hydraulics

  6. 自激脉冲射流在喷射钻井中的应用研究

    A Study of the Application of Self-excited Pulsed - jet Flow to Jet Drilling

  7. 塔北高压喷射钻井实践

    High Pressure Jet Drilling Practice in Tabei

  8. 喷射钻井中井底岩面最大水功率和最大冲击力工作方式

    The hydraulic programs for the maximum hydraulic horsepower and impact force on the rock surface of the hole bottom in jet drilling

  9. 钻井液剪切稀释性直接影响钻井液的带砂、携屑能力和高压喷射钻井效率。

    The shear thinning behavior of drilling fluid directly influences the sand-carrying and cutting-carrying capacity of drilling fluid and the efficiency of high-pressure jet drilling .

  10. 这对认识深井高围压环境下的射流特征、补充和完善喷射钻井理论有重要意义。

    These concluded findings are significant for understanding the jet properties under the high confining pressure in deep wells , and improving the jet drilling theory .

  11. 带浮动衬套的滑动轴承已成功应用于三牙轮钻头,因高压喷射钻井工艺的需要,钻头轴承工作条件较为恶劣,导致浮动村套产生胶合卡死牙轮。

    In high-pressure jet drilling , the bit cones are often stuck due to the seizing of the floating bush of the bit 's slide bearing .

  12. 自从喷射钻井技术广泛应用以来,人们一直在研究如何充分利用喷射钻头在井底获得的水力功率,以获得更好的钻井经济效益。

    Since jet drilling found wide application , continuous research has been carried out as to fully utilizing the bit hydraulic power at the bottom hole .

  13. 随着高压喷射钻井技术的发展,高压泥浆闸阀的结构和性能愈来愈引起人们的注意。

    With the developments of high pressure jetting drilling technology , the structure and characteristic of high pressure mud gate-valves proved more and more to attract people 's attention .

  14. 在油气井钻井中,喷射钻井技术能够较大幅度地提高钻井速度,其实质是喷嘴射流辅助钻井破岩,提高了井底破岩效率。

    In oil and gas drilling , the penetration rate can be greatly raised by applying jet drilling technology , which crux is the auxiliary jet rock break in drilling , thus enhancing downhole rock-broken efficiency .

  15. 多相流广泛存在于空气钻井、氮气钻井、高压喷射钻井、泡沫钻井、完井修井作业及管道输送等领域中。

    Multiphase flow widely exists in air drilling , nitrogen drilling , high-pressure jet drilling , foam drilling , completions , and workovers , and also in industries of power , chemicals , petroleum , metallurgy , pipeline transport , medical and refrigeration .

  16. 本文着重阐述了用回归分析法寻求符合喷射钻井泥浆流变特性的数学模式,提出了压差和流量关系在曲线的情况下,如何确定其层流范围。

    In this paper , it is emphatically stated how to use the regression method to search for the mathematical model applicable to the jet drilling mud rheologic property , and it is also proposed how to determine the laminar flow region while the P-Q relation is a curve form .

  17. 利用高压喷射快速钻井技术和适合的聚合物泥浆体系,顺利的钻过埋深超过2000多m和3000多m的煤系地层,防止了事故的发生,提高了钻进效率。

    To use the high pressure jetting fast speed drilling and suitable polymer drilling fluid can smoothly drill through more than 3000m coal measures strata under 2000m depth . The technology can prevent accident and increase drilling efficiency .

  18. 一种新型高压水力喷射径向水平钻井系统

    An ultrashort radius radial horizontal drilling system