
pēn chí
  • spray pool;spray pond
喷池 [pēn chí]
  • [spray pond;spray pool] 一种蓄水池,热水从喷头里呈飞沫状或雾状喷洒在池上,通过蒸发、冷却以备再用

喷池[pēn chí]
  1. 介绍了从特定构造的喷池中获得决定喷池动作的喷池数据的原理;

    The principle about how to obtain data from a specific fountain pool was elaborated , which will affect actions of the pool .

  2. 为了解决用机械喷焊时熔池温度难以控制的问题,将模糊对向网络与自学习模糊控制的理论相结合,研制出了一种自学习模糊对向网络控制器。

    In order to solve the problem that the temperature of melten pool can not be controlled during . Powder overlaying welding , a self_learning controller based on fuzzy CP network is developed by combining fuzzy CP network and the theory of self_learning fuzzy control .