
zhèng mén
  • main entrance;front door;front door(or gate)
正门 [zhèng mén]
  • [front door(or gate);main entrance] 建筑物正面的主要的门(区别于后门、边门等)

正门[zhèng mén]
  1. 一段台阶往上通向正门。

    A flight of steps led upwards to the front door .

  2. 怪事——正门开着。

    That 's strange ─ the front door 's open .

  3. 我们看见正门上有一张用透明胶带贴的字条。

    We found a note sellotaped to the front door .

  4. 我在正门见你。

    I 'll meet you at the main entrance .

  5. 我从宏伟的正门进去。

    I went in through the royal portal .

  6. 他从正门进入了哈罗德商场。

    He entered Harrods by the main door

  7. 我把小车停在正门外面。

    I left my car outside the main entrance .

  8. 开正门,堵偏门。

    Keep the front gate open and block the side doors .

  9. 这幢阿泰科风格(ARTDECO)的大楼(目前仍大量雕有工匠及商人的浮雕)于1939年建成,而建筑师们如今恢复了它的正面结构&青铜正门以及可爱的钢窗。

    The Art Deco building ( still featuring its relief carvings of artisans and tradesmen ) was completed in 1939 and the architects have restored its frontage , introducing a bronze main entrance and sympathetic steel windows .

  10. 利用两模两光子JC模型还可以实现单量子比特幺正门和两量子比特相位门。我们还进一步研究了三能级原子和腔场相互作用体系的纠缠产生和操控问题。

    We also propose a scheme to implement two-bit quantum phase gates and one-bit unitary gates by using the two-mode two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model . The entangle-ment between the atom and cavity is also investigated in the presence of phase decoherence .

  11. 一拨由ōishi带领,从正门冲进去,另一拨由他儿子带领,负责守住侧门以防Kira溜走。

    One was led by ō ishi and would charge through the front gate while a smaller group led by his son would cover the side entrance to ensure that Kira would not slip through their grasp .

  12. 爆炸在酒店正门入口处留下了一个弹坑。

    The blast left a crater just outside the main entrance .

  13. 这幢建筑物在正门在乔治街。

    The main entrance to the building is on George street .

  14. 他站在正门的右侧。

    He was standing at the right of the main entrance .

  15. 你应该从正门进入这个青年旅社。

    You should enter the youth hostel by the front door .

  16. 然后我听见有人从正门出去了

    But then I heard somebody go out the front door ,

  17. 我们大楼的正门看到了我的老师。

    At the front entrance of the building I saw my teacher .

  18. 梦幻之旅的入口&枫花园正门。

    Maple Garden 's front door & entrance of a dreamy trip .

  19. 你们梦见了教堂的正门。

    You dreamed * You dreamed about the front of this church .

  20. 你为何不走正门偏要跳墙而出?

    Why do you leave the door and jump over the wall ?

  21. 我在图书馆的正门等你好吗?

    Shall I meet you at the main door of the library ?

  22. 他们顺着走廊向汽车旅馆的正门走去。

    They went down the corridor toward the front of the motel .

  23. 呃,就是大学正门的那个雕塑?

    Eh , the statue at the main entrance of the university ?

  24. 禁止员工使用正门出入。

    The staff be forbid to use the front entrance .

  25. 酒家正门挂着一块很大的招牌。

    There 's a big sign in front of it .

  26. 集合地点:首都博物馆正门门口。

    Gathering address : in front of the capital museum .

  27. 颐和园的正门在何处?

    Where is the main entrance to the summer palace ?

  28. 看,这就是西大校园的正门。

    Look , this is the frontispiece of the university .

  29. 我们沿着小道走到正门。

    We walked up the path to the front door .

  30. 你是怎么进来的,从正门

    How did you get in here ? Front door .