
  1. 火车喷着蒸汽驶进车站。

    The train puffed into the station .

  2. 机车噗噗地喷着气开出车站。

    The engine puffed out of the station .

  3. 火车喷着气,隆隆地开进车常。

    The train rolled into the yards , clanging and puffing .

  4. 从软管里喷水;喷泉整天喷着。

    Play water from a hose ; the fountains played all day .

  5. 三只鼻子,每一只鼻子都冲着他们的方向喷着气;

    three noses , twitching and quivering in their direction ;

  6. 队伍解散,喷着忿怒的白沫。

    The marching ranks scatter and burst into angry spray .

  7. 他手臂上血管被割开的地方正喷着血。

    His arm was spurting blood where the vein had been severed .

  8. 火车喷着汽驶向月台。

    The train steamed up to the platform .

  9. 火车喷着烟驶进了车站。

    The railway train puffed into the station .

  10. 我定睛观看那台机器,发现从里面朝四面八方喷着咖啡泡沫和苏打水。

    I looked over at the machines and they were spraying foam and soda everywhere !

  11. 它喷着蒸气,向东进入中大西洋,然后驶向北方。

    She steamed due east into mid-Atlantic , and then swung up to the north .

  12. 小火车扑哧扑哧喷着蒸汽向前移动。

    The little train puffed along .

  13. 他的驾车的马,嘴里喷着白沫,他的衣袍上蒙着尘土。

    His horses were foaming at the mouth , and there was dust on his gament .

  14. 他一口一口地喷着雪茄烟。派克紧张不安地一口接一口抽着烟卷。

    He was puffing away at his cigar . Pike was puffing away at a cigarette nervously .

  15. 五分钟后,布里打过滚从地上站起来了,剧烈地喷着鼻息,浑身都是斑斑点点的羊齿植物。

    It was five minutes before he rose again , blowing hard and covered with bits of bracken .

  16. 最初,火车喷着火花在田野间轰隆而过,把许多人吓坏了。

    In its first days , the iron horse frightened many people as it roared across country scattering sparks .

  17. 当我心情不好时,我可以站在喷着热水的喷头下,想站多久就站多久。

    When I feel bad , I can stand under a hot shower for as long as I want .

  18. 接着,数到一百六十时,离那块岩石很远的水面上,到处都是那群男孩,他们就像棕色的鲸鱼一样喷着水。

    And then , at a hundred and sixty , the water beyond the rock was full of boys blowing like brown whales .

  19. 当火车喷着蒸汽,车轮发出刺耳的尖叫声徐徐驶进车站的时候,爱德华怀着激动的心情翘首向每一扇车窗里张望着,期待着能再见到英格里德那长长的秀发和迷人的微笑。

    Steam billowed and wheels screeched as the train crawled to a stop . Edward scanned every window looking for Ingrid 's glowing hair and smile .

  20. 离岩角不远处,抽冷子冒出一张上岁数的人那涨得通红的脸,喷着水。特别开发的底漆,通用于水线上下的喷砂处理部位。

    An elderly man shot up near the spur of rock a blowing red face . Especially developed touch-up primer on blasted areas both below and above waterline .

  21. 坏人千心万苦扔中了,还会被好人忍着巨痛放倒,并喷着口水大叫:卑鄙!

    If the bad finally hits his target , he will still be defeated by the good who is bearing the pain and he will spit and say : despicable !

  22. 如果每个人都关心自己的事,公爵夫人嘶哑着嗓子嘟喷着说,地球就会比现在转得快一些。

    ' If everybody minded their own business , ' the Duchess said in a hoarse growl , ' the world would go round a deal faster than it does . '

  23. 传来一声低沉的命令”停止前进!”——接下来的片刻之间,都是马儿的声音——马鼻子里喷着鼻息,马蹄刨着地面,吧眩吧啦地咬着马嚼子,以及被轻轻拍着的马脖子等。

    There came a low word of command " Halt ! " then a moment of horsey noises - nostrils blowing , hoofs pawing , bits being champed , necks being patted .

  24. 那天早上,我们一如既往地搭着被漆得五颜六色、喷着废气的三轮车——每辆车上只能搭载五六个女生——来到狭窄泥泞的哈吉巴巴路。

    That morning we arrived in the narrow mud lane off Haji Baba Road in our usual procession of brightly painted rickshaws , sputtering diesel fumes , each one crammed with five or six girls .

  25. 几秒钟之后,这个大家伙来到了他们中间,喷着响鼻,气喘吁吁,大汗淋漓,兴奋不已地嗅着那只噼卡鸟,而对方则压根没有注意到它凑过来。

    A few seconds later the huge thing was standing there amongst them , snorting , panting , sweating , and sniffing excitedly at the pikka bird , which appeared not to have noticed its arrival at all .

  26. 前不久的一个周五,纽约分部的约30名成员在中城福克斯新闻演播室附近的地下通道里挤作一团。大部分人脸上喷着涂鸦风格的11月计划标识。

    On a recent Friday , about 30 members of the New York group , most of them in gear spray-painted with the graffiti-like November Project logo , huddled in a passageway in Midtown near the Fox News studio .

  27. 他把头浸到一脸盆水里,一边用手擦着脖子和耳朵,一边喷着气清鼻子。嘉莉在一旁看着他,心里思绪万千,一会儿回忆着往事,一会儿又想起她现在对他的看法。

    He plunged his face in a basin of water , and puffed and blew as he rubbed his neck and ears with his hands , while Carrie gazed upon him with mingled thoughts of recollection and present judgment .

  28. 有些著名的洛杉矶人抨击周女士这种巧妙露骨的风格(一篇文章说她是“喷着咄咄逼人的香水,犹如蒸汽轧路机的女人”),但是,就连不喜欢她的人也同意,她或许是这个城市最顶尖的女主人。

    While some prominent Angelenos grit their teeth over Mrs. Chow 's subtly unsubtle style ( one cited an article that called her " a formidable perfumed steamroller of a woman " ) , even the unconverted concede that she probably reigns as the city 's top hostess .

  29. 在一架喷着色彩斑斓的世博会标志的波音737飞机前,希拉里·克林顿表示,航空行业是美国主要的出口部门。航空行业每10亿美元的销量意味着美国工人的11000个工作岗位。

    Standing in front of a Boeing 737 jetliner , colorfully painted with the logo of the World Expo now going on in Shanghai , Secretary Clinton said the aerospace industry is the United States ' leading export sector , with every $ 1 billion in aviation sales translating into 11000 jobs for American workers .

  30. 有许多火山,喷冒着火山灰和熔岩。

    Volcanoes were abundant , spewing ash and lava .