首页 / 词典 / good

  • spurt;spout;gush;jet

  • time on the market;in season
  • crop
  • 散着射出:~出。~涌。~发。~饭(形容极其可笑)。~薄(形容气势壮盛,激荡喷涌而出,如“一轮红日~~而出”)。~洒。~泉。~壶。井~。

  • 香气扑鼻:~香的热馒头。

  • 蔬菜、鱼虾、瓜果等上市正盛的时期:西瓜~儿。

  • 量词,指开花结实或成熟收割的次数:头~棉花。


(液体等受压力而射出) spurt; spout; gush; jet:

  • 火山喷出火焰和岩浆。

    A volcano spouts flame and lava.

  • 喷泉向空中喷水。

    The fountain spurted water into the air.

  • 石油从井口喷了出来。

    Oil gushed from the well.

  • 水从管子的裂口喷出。

    Water spouted from the break of the pipe.

  • 血从伤口喷出。

    Blood spurted from the wound.


(喷洒) spray; sprinkle:

  • 给花喷点水

    sprinkle some water on the flower;

  • 往果树上喷农药

    spray fruit trees with insecticide


(果品、鱼虾等大量上市的时期) time on the market; in season:

  • 草莓正在喷上。

    Strawberries are in season now.

  • 牡蛎已过喷了。

    Oysters are out of season now.


(开花结实的次数; 成熟收割的次数) crop:

  • 头喷棉花

    the first crop of cotton;

  • 香蕉一年收两喷。

    The banana bears two crops every year.

  1. 喷刷式水果清洗机的设计

    The Design of the Spurt Brush Type Fruit Clean Machine

  2. 热喷技术在秸秆饲料加工生产中的应用

    An application of hot spurt technique in processing and production of straw

  3. 管子爆裂,一股股水从屋子这头喷到那头。

    The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the room .

  4. 他走过来靠近我,喷得我满身酒气。

    He came up close , breathing alcohol fumes all over me .

  5. 火山把团团热气和灰尘喷向高空。

    The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air .

  6. 我给这些花草略微喷了喷水。

    I gave the plants a quick spray .

  7. 喷金属漆是自由选择的,要额外收费。

    Metallic paint is an optional extra .

  8. 往你头发上轻轻喷点水。

    Lightly spritz your hair with water .

  9. 那家伙满嘴喷粪。

    That guy 's full of BS .

  10. 火车喷着蒸汽驶进车站。

    The train puffed into the station .

  11. 香槟酒喷得到处都是。

    Champagne sprayed everywhere .

  12. 大约70%的可可树林地喷过杀虫剂。

    About 70 % of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide

  13. 用喷罐来喷涂,不好对付的物品也能轻松搞定。

    An aerosol spray will make short work of painting awkward objects

  14. 他们的血喷了我一身。我几乎昏了过去。

    They spurted blood all over me . I nearly passed out

  15. 裸露的金属上被喷上了几层底漆。

    The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer .

  16. 警察用胡椒粉喷雾剂喷他。

    The officers blasted him with pepper spray .

  17. 他把自己的名字用喷漆喷在了墙上。

    He spray-painted his name on the wall .

  18. 它的内衬只是简单地喷了些油。

    Its linings were simply squirted with oil .

  19. 这种喷雾剂向草坪上轻轻一喷,就会使草枯黄。

    If any of the spray goes onto the lawn it will scorch the grass .

  20. 水从它的喉部喷出来。

    The water squirted from its throat

  21. 你若打开水龙头,水会直往上喷。

    You 'd turn on the water , and it would shoot straight up in the air .

  22. 滚烫的水喷了出来。

    Piping-hot water gushed out

  23. 瓶盖砰地一声打开,喷得他满眼都是矿泉水。

    The bottle cap popped off and he got an eyeful of seltzer .

  24. 毒气喷出来,危及了几百人的生命。

    Poison gas blew off and endangered the lives of hundreds of persons .

  25. 香蕉一年收两喷。

    The banana bears two crops every year .

  26. 机车噗噗地喷着气开出车站。

    The engine puffed out of the station .

  27. 火焰从烟囱里轰轰地喷出来。

    The fire roars up the chimney .

  28. 牡蛎已过喷了。

    Oysters are out of season now .

  29. 草莓正在喷上。

    Strawberries are in season now .

  30. 石油从井口喷了出来。

    Oil gushed from the well .