
pēn huǒ
  • Spurt fire;be scorching;be red-hot; leap;shoot high
喷火 [pēn huǒ]
  • (1) [flamethrow]∶使用喷火器喷射高温火焰消灭目标的行动

  • (2) [red]∶形容花开色红

  • (3) [hot]∶形容骄阳酷热

  • 太阳喷火的六月天

  1. 原来的锅炉开始往外喷火苗后他便换了个新的。

    He replaced the boiler when the last one began to spout flames

  2. 太阳在喷火。

    The sun is scorching .

  3. 其中我最津津乐道的是中间那款--带着MP3播放机,鼻毛剪和法式焦糖布丁的喷火枪。

    My favorite is the middle one -- the MP3 player , nose hair trimmer , and creme brulee torch .

  4. “喷火战机”(FooFighter)乐队赢得5项格莱美奖,其中包括最佳摇滚专辑奖《WastingLight》。

    The Foo Fighters earned five Grammys , including Best Rock Album for Wasting Light and Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song for " Walk . "

  5. X2是我和弟弟玩的第一个过山车。它是一个5D,喷火的过山车。

    The first roller coaster my brother and I went on was the5th dimensional fire shooting thrill , the X2 .

  6. 不少40岁以下的男人找上门来,手里拿着一些留胡子的乐队成员的照片,其中包括“喷火战斗机乐队”(FooFighters)和KingsofLeon乐队等。

    Men up to age40 began coming in with photos of bearded musicians from bands , including the Foo Fighters and Kings of Leon .

  7. 喷火战机乐队以“伪装者”(Pretender)获得最佳硬摇滚表演奖,并以“回声、沉默、耐心和优雅”(Echoes,Silence,Patience&Grace)专辑获得最佳摇滚专辑奖。

    The Foo Fighters won the Grammy for Best Hard Rock Performance for " The Pretender ," and Best Rock Album for Echoes , Silence , Patience & Grace .

  8. 后三点起落架的典型例子:喷火战斗机、道格拉斯DC-3。

    Good examples of taildragger aircraft include the Spitfire and DC-3 of World War II .

  9. 本文计算了CH3OH的理论燃烧温度,喷火圈燃烧器的最大可用能、热效率和热负荷。

    Theoretical burning temperature of methanol , maximum available energy , heat effeciency and heat load of flame rings burner are calculated .

  10. 双炉排锅炉炉膛正压喷火的原因及处理

    Causes of Flame Projecting under Pressure in Boiler Furnace with Treatment

  11. 哦,它的大嘴还在喷火呢。

    Oh , it 's spewing fireworks from its huge mouth .

  12. 口中喷火像个母夜叉。

    Shootin ´ fire from your mouth just like a dragon .

  13. 是吗它会..不它不会喷火

    Does it - No , it does not breathe fire .

  14. 玉米田上方的蓝天上,盘旋着喷火式战斗机和暴风雨。

    Spitfires and Hurricanes in the blue sky over the cornfields .

  15. 高压喷火燃烧系统,温度自动控制。

    High-pressure fire injection burning system , Automatic temperature control .

  16. 喷火器只使用逗点式的停顿;

    Spit fire made use of none but comma pauses ;

  17. 姚明是一把强大的喷火枪,只要你能把球传给他。

    Yao is a great weapon-if you can get him the ball .

  18. 轻武器包括狙击步枪,喷火器,手机等。

    Small weapons include sniper rifles , flamethrowers , cell phones , etc.

  19. 他将从一只危险的喷火龙手里救出费欧娜公主。

    He will rescue Princess Fiona from a dangerous , fire-breathing dragon .

  20. 她的年纪还不足以喷火。

    She 's not old enough to sustain a flame .

  21. 介绍了喷火圈燃烧器的设计思路和检测结果。

    The design thought and the testing results of the burner are presented .

  22. 这就涵盖了玩喷火把戏者、变戏法者、说书人、哑剧艺术者和舞者的各类人群。

    This includes fire-breathers , jugglers , storytellers , mime artists and dancers .

  23. 传说他能在陆地上随心所欲地喷火。

    Legend says he can harness the fire in the land at will .

  24. 鞑靼人使用了另一种武器,所谓中国龙喷火器。

    The Tartars employed another weapon , the so-called Chinese dragon belching fire .

  25. 电线杆也到处在喷火花

    Power pole 's sparking all over the place !

  26. 老爸表演喷火了,真的太壮观了,仅第一次而言

    Dad breathed fire . It was so awesome ... The first time .

  27. 喷火战机乐队主唱断腿结束演唱

    Foo Fighters " Singer Finishes Concert with Broken Leg

  28. 喷火圈燃烧器的计算与设计

    Calculation and design of the flame ring burner

  29. 喷火巨龙可怕的形状。

    The monstrous form of a fire-breathing dragon .

  30. 那样啊,想喷火,要先陪魔鬼上床。

    Well , you wanna breathe fire , you gotta sleep with the devil .