
  • 网络entrance;harbor entrance;cut
  1. 为此,德尔夫特水工研究所(DelftHydraulics)进行了港池防淤研究,提出旁泄式维护性疏浚、重新布置口门、建屏蔽式拦沙防波堤等多种解决方案。

    Performing a sedimentation study of the port , Delft Hydraulics developed various solutions including by-pass maintenance dredging , relocating the port entrance , and shielding the port with a sand trap breakwater .

  2. 粉沙质海岸港口口门位置的选择

    Site Selection for Entrance of Ports Located on Silty Sandy Coasts

  3. 由口门处至外海,Cr和Hg含量的总体趋势是增大的。

    From the estuary to the open-sea , the trend of the content of Cr and Hg is increscent .

  4. 论文通过对溃堤机理的研究,采用Fread提出的宽顶堰流公式来计算堤防决口口门过流量。

    The break-dam flux is calculated by Fread formula based on analysis of the mechanism of break-dam .

  5. 根据2000-2002年3a中对珠江东四口门水域的调查资料,分析该水域富营养化状况及其构成因子来源。

    Based on the data observed in the Pear River Estuary Waters from 2000 to 2002 , the distribution in space and variety with water season of eutrophication and it 's component factors in the waters were studied .

  6. 研究结果认为设置导堤后泥沙在口门附近的淤积范围和数量减少,淤积厚度最大点的位置向外海推进了230m,有利于把河口泥沙输送到深海,效果明显。

    The amount and range of sedimentation in the estuary are reduced and the position of maximum sediment thickness point is extended to seawards about 230m . The effect of training levees is obvious .

  7. 此外,还用改进的Gadd公式确定口门涨、落潮流输沙率,计算中引入汊道口门流速频率分布函数的定义。

    For determination of sediment transport rates due to flood and ebb tide currents , the Gadd equation is modified through a definition of the frequency distribution function of current speeds within the harbour entrance .

  8. 珠江三角洲污染物对东四口门通量影响分析

    Effects of Discharged Pollutants from Pearl River Delta on East Outlets

  9. 分蓄洪区口门流量计算研究

    Computation of Discharge Process at Inlet of Flood Diversion Area

  10. 滹沱河倒虹吸行洪口门宽度的方案论证

    Demonstration on width for flood discharge opening of Hutuo River Inverted Siphon

  11. 输水渠道大流量分水口门的分级分水方式

    Multi-stage Diversion Modes for Large Flow Dividing Gates in Water Transportation Channel

  12. 株洲枢纽中船闸引航道口门区淤积问题研究

    Study on silting at the entrance of ship lock approach

  13. 广西沿岸港湾口门潮流三角洲的地貌特征

    Geomorphologic characteristics of tidal current delta along the harbour mouth in Guangxi

  14. 珠江八大口门表层沉积物重金属污染及生态危害评价

    Pollution and Ecological Hazard Evaluation of Sediment Heavy Metals in Pearl River Estuary

  15. 大型船台工程口门水下段施工工艺简介

    Introduction of Construction Method for under Water Gate Section of Large Ship Dock

  16. 黄河口口门地区沟汊形成机制初探

    Analysis on formation mechanism of ditches and branches in the Yellow River estuary

  17. 挖入式港池口门回流运动特性分析

    Characteristic Analysis of Reflow in Entrance of Excavated Dock

  18. 黄河口新口门海域流场分析

    Analysis of the current field in the New Yellow River entrance sea area

  19. 堤防历史口门部位渗流控制研究

    Study on seepage controlling of historic breach at dykes

  20. 船闸口门区与连接段为弯道时的通航条件

    Navigation condition when entrance area and connecting segment of lock are in bend

  21. 珠江三角洲口门区近期演变与围垦远景分析

    Recent evolution of outlets in Zhujiang River Delta and the prospect for land reclamation

  22. 三峡工程船闸上游引航道口门区斜流特性研究

    Investigation on Oblique Flow Characteristics in Upstream Approach Entrance Region of TGP 's Lock

  23. 珠江八大口门污染物浓度变化及成因分析

    Pollutant concentration variation and analysis of causes in Eight Major Outlet of Pearl Rive

  24. 船闸引航道口门区流态的模型研究

    Model Research of Flow Pattern at Lock Approach

  25. 盲肠河段口门掺混区的泥沙扩散

    A study on sediment diffusion in turbulent mixing region at the mouth of cecum reach

  26. 低闸坝枢纽船闸引航道口门区通航水流条件研究

    Study on Navigation Flow Condition at the Entrance of Approaching Channel in Low head Dams

  27. 盲肠河段口门紊动掺混区水流运动的相似分析

    Similarity analysis for water movement of turbulent mixing region at the mouth of cecum reach

  28. 株洲枢纽船闸下引航道口门区整治措施及效果分析

    Regulation Measures and Effect Analysis for the Entrance Area of Zhuzhou Lock Lower Approach Channel

  29. 冬季口门内各站位的氮营养盐和有机污染最为严重。

    N nutrients and organic pollution in stations of inner gate in winter are most serious .

  30. 河岸形态对低水头枢纽船闸口门区水流条件影响研究

    Influence of Different Riverside Shape on Flow Condition of Low-head Hydraulic Lock ′ s Outlet Area