
kǒu hào
  • slogan;chant;cry;watchword;battle-cry;jingle;clarion call;password;shibboleth;adage;ode;doggerel
口号 [kǒu hào]
  • (1) [ode;chant]

  • (2) 古诗标题用语。表示随口吟成,和口占相似。如:《风雨口号》、《口号吴王美人半醉》等

  • (3) 颂诗的一种。多指献给皇帝的颂诗

  • 献口号

  • (4) [doggerel;jingle;adage]∶指打油诗、顺口溜或俗谚之类

  • 不是有口号吗:不吃三年苦,难得万年福

  • (5) [password]∶口令,口头暗号

  • 军中有夜间口号

  • (6) [slogan; watchword]∶供口头呼喊的有纲领性和鼓动作用的简短句子

  • 成天喊口号

口号[kǒu hào]
  1. 他们可能打出这样的竞选口号:“我们会让您少出钱”。

    They could campaign on the slogan ' We 'll take less of your money ' .

  2. 她的竞选宣传口号“服务大众的总统”虽然押了头韵,听着很悦耳,其实内容空洞。

    Her campaign slogan , ' a president for the people ' , was pleasantly alliterative but empty .

  3. 一群抗议者等候在外面,举着标语牌不停地喊着口号。

    A group of protesters , chanting and carrying placards , waited outside .

  4. 人群开始反复高呼反政府口号。

    The crowd began chanting anti-government slogans .

  5. 他们只是在空喊口号。

    They 're just mouthing empty slogans .

  6. 质量是我们的口号。

    Quality is our watchword .

  7. 好几千人在大楼外喊着口号示威。

    Several thousand people chanted and demonstrated outside the building .

  8. 数千名高喊着口号的示威者把街道挤得水泄不通。

    Thousands of demonstrators crowded the streets shouting slogans .

  9. 示威者然后穿越首都游行,他们反复高喊口号要求进行自由选举。

    The demonstrators then marched through the capital chanting slogans and demanding free elections

  10. 浩浩荡荡的人群中有些人呼喊“和平万岁!万岁!”的口号。

    Some members of the huge crowd shouted ' Viva peace , viva . '

  11. 政客们还在想象着“人民”对他们的空洞口号会越来越感兴趣呢。

    Politicians persist in imagining that ' the people ' warm to their cheesy slogans .

  12. 抗议者喊着口号、吹着哨子,并大声尖叫着皮特·威尔逊州长的名字。

    The protesters chanted , blew whistles and hooted at the name of Governor Pete Wilson

  13. 学生们喊着口号,分发着传单。

    Students shouted slogans and distributed leaflets

  14. 示威者们反复喊着口号。

    Demonstrators chanted slogans

  15. “微笑服务”是那家商店的口号。

    “ Service with a smile ” is the store 's slogan .

  16. 选民们对于初选时没完没了地空喊口号的现象感到发腻了。

    The voters are pretty sick of such a surfeit of primary sloganeering .

  17. “精益求精”是我们的口号。

    “ Excelsior ” is our watchword .

  18. 这个口号会约束我们的手脚。

    Such a slogan will bind our hand and foot .

  19. 拥护这个队的人有节奏地反复喊着胜利的口号。

    The team 's supporters sang a victory chant .

  20. 口号声此呼彼应。

    Shouts of slogans resounded back and forth .

  21. 这一切都是真的,但是,让我们换一种想法,借用一下苹果公司多年前的营销口号。

    All true , but let 's think different , to borrow the Apple marketing slogan of years back .

  22. 我参观了一些新的所谓"有效"的学校,那里的孩子们为了学会自我控制而喊口号,坐不住的时候必须站在桌子后面。

    I have visited some of the newer supposedly " effective " schools , where children shout slogans in order to learn self - control or must stand behind their desk when they can 't sit still .

  23. “根与芽”网站的口号是“激励启发,采取行动,有所作为”。

    The slogan on the Roots & Shoots Website is " Inspire , take action , make a difference . "

  24. “家庭价值”,大多数政客终生都被这句口号所束缚。

    Most politicians are permanently5 chained to that slogan ... family values .

  25. 我们需要新的口号,旧的不够吸引人。

    We need a new slogan.The old one 's not catchy enough .

  26. 群众杂乱地喊着,比第一次的口号稍稍见得不整齐

    The crowd was shouting raggedly now , instead of in chorus as at first .

  27. 去年6月,订单疲软问题始终未能解决的李宁对商标进行了轻微改动,并推出了新口号:MaketheChange(让改变发生)。

    In June , confronting persistently weak order books , Li Ning gave itself a slightly different logo and a new slogan , Make the change .

  28. 大多数的JavaME开发者已经不再相信“一次编写,到处运行”的口号了。

    The vast majority of Java ME developers no longer believe in " write once run everywhere " .

  29. 随着IP网络及其关联技术的发展,EverythingoverIP已经不再是一句口号,而是不争的事实。

    With the development of IP network and related technology , everything over IP is no longer a slogan , but an irrefutable fact .

  30. BBC新闻-一切始于一件T恤衫上的口号。

    BBC News - It all started with a slogan on a T-shirt .