
  • 网络oral health;oral care;Oral health care;dental care
  1. 影响老年人口腔保健相关因素的调查

    Analysis on Relative Factors Affecting Oral Health Care for Elderly People

  2. 孕期妇女口腔保健宣教措施临床效果分析

    Clinical effects of oral health instruction on pregnant women

  3. 用Logistic回归模型研究影响口腔保健需求的因素

    A study on affecting factors on dental care demands by Logistic regression model

  4. 结论应重视DM合并牙周病变的的检查与评估,加大DM合并牙周病变的早期防治知识教育,强化口腔保健知识与行为,以减少DM患者牙周病变的发生率。

    Conclusion Health education of periodontal disease should be strengthened so as to decrease periodontal diseases in diabetic patients .

  5. 指套牙刷口腔保健作用的试验观察

    Experimental study on the oral care effects of a finger toothbrush

  6. 产科门诊实施口腔保健护理干预的效果观察

    Effects of Intervention of Oral Care in Outpatient Department of Obstetrics

  7. 对437例门诊患者口腔保健知识与行为的分析

    Analysis of Oral Health Dental Knowledge and Behavior of 437 Outpatients

  8. 口腔保健干预对围产期女性口腔二次感染的影响

    Effect of oral care intervention on second infection in perinatal women

  9. 在实施教育前、后评估患者口腔保健知识与行为的变化。

    Their knowledge and behaviors were evaluated before and after health education .

  10. 无口腔保健干预牙菌斑液成分的研究

    Study on composition of plaque fluid in individuals with no oral hygiene

  11. 目的探讨深圳市社区口腔保健模式。

    Objective To study the community-oral-health-care model in shenzhen city .

  12. 幼儿教师口腔保健知识干预效果评价

    Effectiveness of intervention of oral care knowledge on children teachers

  13. 400名孕妇口腔保健知识水平的分析

    Analysis of knowledge of oral cavity health care among 400 pregnant women

  14. 目的:探讨指套牙刷的口腔保健作用。

    Objective : To observe the oral care effects of finger toothbrush .

  15. 大学生开展口腔保健社会实践活动的思考

    Carrying out Social Practice in Oral Hygiene among University Students

  16. 21世纪病人对口腔保健的期望及对口腔医疗服务的需求

    Patient 's Expectations and Demands for Oral Health Care in the 21st Century

  17. 结果12岁学生恒牙患龋率为1965%,龋均为032,符合我国规定的口腔保健目标要求。

    Results The caries incidence of 12-year-old children in Kaifeng is 19.65 % .

  18. 5年间老年患者口腔保健意识的变化

    Changes of oral hygiene awareness in elderly patients in the past five years

  19. 幼儿家长口腔保健知识健康教育效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation of health education of oral care knowledge among parents of infants

  20. 世界卫生组织的口腔保健计划主要是帮助那些住在贫困地区的人们。

    The WHO oral health program is mainly for people living in poor areas .

  21. 深圳市宝安区学生口腔保健综合防治初查报告

    Report of Comprehensive Oral Healthcare on Caries Among Students in Baoan District of Shenzhen

  22. 其结果就是每个地方都有各自的口腔保健计划。

    As a result , it has developed oral health programs separately for each area .

  23. 摘要:目的评价孕期妇女口腔保健宣教措施的临床效果。

    Abstract : Objective To analyse clinical effects of oral health instruction on pregnant women .

  24. 孕期口腔保健服务的可及性有待提高。

    The availability of oral health for pregnant women needed to be improved . 6 .

  25. 羟基磷灰石在口腔保健领域的应用

    The application of hydroxyapatite in oral hygiene

  26. 应充分重视儿童口腔保健工作,注意培养儿童良好的口腔卫生习惯。

    It is important for children to stress oral health care and oral hygiene habit .

  27. 帮助那些需要获得口腔保健,但却无力承担费用的人。

    Dental care for the people who need it and are unable to afford it .

  28. 维、汉患者牙周病知识和口腔保健行为的比较

    Comparison of the knowledge and oral health care for periodontal disease between Uyghur and Han outpatients

  29. 深圳市学龄前儿童口腔保健健康教育项目终期效果评价

    Terminal effectiveness evaluation of health education item on oral care of preschool children in Shenzhen City

  30. 在幼儿教育专业学生中开展口腔保健健康教育的效果评价

    The role of health education of oral care in the students majoring in preschool children education