
  • 网络children's psychological development
  1. 早期安全依恋对儿童心理发展的影响

    On the Effect of the Early Dependence of Security on Children 's Psychological Development

  2. 儿童心理发展观的历史演进与未来发展趋势

    The historical evolution and the future development of the ADEA on children 's psychological development

  3. 幼儿事件相关电位(ERP)对研究儿童心理发展有重要意义,因试验难度大,国内外至今未见报道。

    Abstract Event-related potential ( ERP ) is important in the study on the psychophysiological development in children . However the report concerned is scanty because of its difficulty .

  4. 马克思主义关于儿童心理发展的理论

    The theory of child mental development in the light of Marxism

  5. 儿童心理发展研究对公共政策的贡献

    Contribution from the Study of Child Psychological Development to Public Policy

  6. 超常儿童心理发展追踪研究五年

    A five-year study of the mental development of supernormal children

  7. 试论儿童心理发展的内外因问题

    On the External and Internal Causes of the Mental Development of Children

  8. 本文试图从儿童心理发展的角度,对这个年龄阶段幼儿的家长提出一些粗浅的建议。

    This paper , from the viewpoint of psychological development in children .

  9. 社会性发展是儿童心理发展的重要方面。

    Psychological development of children is determined by infantile development of sociality .

  10. 论儿童心理发展的模块性问题

    On the Modularity of Children 's Mental Development

  11. 儿童心理发展中的敏感期与早期教育

    The Period of Sensitivity and Early Stage Education in the Psychological Development of Children

  12. 论儿童心理发展的动力及其机制

    On the motive fore of the psychological development of the child and its mechanism

  13. 学龄前儿童心理发展互动模式研究

    Mutual Mode of Mental Development in Preschool Children

  14. 国内外关于亲子关系及其对儿童心理发展影响的研究

    Study of Parents-Child Relationship and It 's Influence On Child Development At Home and Abroad

  15. 基于文化适应的解释:儿童心理发展的成长论观点

    An Interpretation Based on Cultural Adaptation : Views on the Growth of Children 's Psychology

  16. 简论影响儿童心理发展的因素

    On conditional factors in child psychological development

  17. 性别差异与儿童心理发展

    Gender Differences and Children 's Mental Development

  18. 游戏治疗的内涵及其对智力障碍儿童心理发展的意义

    The Connotation and Significance of Play Therapy to Mental Development of Children with Mental Retardation

  19. 父母离异对不同性别儿童心理发展的差异影响及其成因

    Influence And Cause of Parents Divorce Is Different In Psychological Development of Different Sex of Children

  20. 本文从儿童心理发展的视角,探讨了模块理论对于我们理解人类心理发展的意义。

    The paper discussed the implication of the module theory for our understanding of human mental development .

  21. 概化理论在《超常儿童心理发展与教育》课程成绩评估中的应用研究

    The Generalizability of a Performance assessment Measuring Achievement in the Curriculum of Psychological Development and Education of Gifted Chidren

  22. 同时也表现在儿童心理发展的两个不同阶段,即感知-运动阶段和前运算阶段。

    It is also embodied in two stages of children 's psychology development : sensorimotor stage and pre-operation stage .

  23. 自我控制能力是儿童心理发展的重要方面,也是小学阶段有效学习的基本条件。

    Self-control ability is not only an important part of children 's mental development , it is also the basic condition for the effective learning in primary school .

  24. 本文在综合国内外大量实证研究的基础上,概括了父亲和母亲行为差异的主要方面,并就这些行为差异对儿童心理发展的作用作了分析。

    Based on great amount of research at home and abroad , the paper summarizes main aspects of these differences and analyzes the effects on children 's psychological development .

  25. 这些都在一定程度上体现并迎合了儿童心理发展中处理母子关系矛盾的需求,有助于我们从新的视角思考早期教育。

    To some degree , this phenomenon reflects and meets the needs of handling the relationship between mothers and children and give a thought to early education from a new perspective .

  26. 结果利用两个数据来源,从亲代体重和健康角度阐述与子代性别之关系。父母离异对不同性别儿童心理发展的差异影响及其成因

    The sex of children generation tends to be the same as the properly heavier and healthier parental generation . Influence And Cause of Parents Divorce Is Different In Psychological Development of Different Sex of Children

  27. 自言自语在儿童心理发展特别是在儿童认知发展上具有重要的价值,是所有儿童认知发展过程中一个必不可少的组成部分。

    Private speech is of important value in children 's mental development , especially in their cognitive development . We can say that it is an absolutely necessary constituent part in the course of all children 's development .

  28. 从社会参照、教育互动、性别认同、同伴交往等角度,论述性别差异对儿童心理发展和社会化的制约作用并探讨相关教育问题,对儿童的成长发展意义重大。

    This paper , which is based on comparing the society consults , educational interaction , sex admitting and companion associate , describes the restriction function of gender differences on children 's mental development and socialization and relevant educational problem .

  29. 儿童的心理发展与钢琴教学

    On the Growing Process of Children 's Psychology and Piano Teaching

  30. 听力障碍儿童心理理论发展的研究进展

    Advanced research in theory of mind of children with hearing disorder