
  • 网络children food;baby food
  1. 作为养生迷和美食家,36岁的沙兹•维斯兰曾一度对经过加工的婴儿和儿童食品心存抵触。

    As a health nut and foodie , 36-year-old Shazi visram had a problem with processed baby food .

  2. 儿童食品,健康食品,蜂蜜产品,新鲜蔬菜。

    Baby foods , Health food , Honey products , Fresh vegetables .

  3. 欧盟(EU)执行机构将禁止进口含有豆粕的中国儿童食品,因担心中国供应的大豆中含有危险化学物质三聚氰胺。

    The European Union executive is to ban Chinese imports of children 's food containing soyabean meal over fears that China 's soya supplies could contain the dangerous chemical melamine .

  4. 柱前衍生液相色谱测定儿童食品中甜蜜素

    Determination of Cyclamate in Children Foods by HPLC with Pre-Column Derivatization

  5. 白洋淀水生植被蔬菜类儿童食品的研制方向及技术难点

    The new trends and technology difficulties of children foods made from vegetables

  6. 骨资源在儿童食品中的开发前景

    RESOURCE The foreground of bone resourses in enfant food

  7. 巴基斯坦洪水引发儿童食品危机。

    Food threat looms for Pakistan child flood victims .

  8. 深圳抽查儿童食品服装玩具

    Shenzhen to take spot - check on children 's food dress and toys

  9. 析儿童食品包装的人性化设计

    Analyses on Humanization Design of Children 's Food Packaging

  10. 探讨了儿童食品的合理开发及其安全性。

    The rational development and safety of children 's food are pointed out .

  11. 建设儿童食品可追溯体系的障碍与对策

    Obstacle and Countermeasures in Constructing Children Food Traceability System

  12. 对的,几乎所有打广告的儿童食品都是不健康的加工食品。

    And practically everything that 's advertised for children is unhealthy processed foods .

  13. 解析现代儿童食品包装设计

    Analysis on Modern Children 's Food Packaging Design

  14. 儿童食品行业建立食品安全信用体系信息系统

    Enfants ' Foodstuff Trade Establishes the Information System of Foodstuff Safety and Credit System

  15. 儿童食品营养标签标示现状的市场调查

    Market investigation and Analysis on the status of nutritional labeling of children 's food

  16. 食品安全信用体系建设试点单位系列报导之一儿童食品行业

    Series Reports on National Food Safety Credit System Pilot Projects - ⅰ Child Food Industry

  17. 高膳食纤维儿童食品的研制

    Manufacture of rich fibre food for children

  18. 身为两个孩子的母亲,她特别关注儿童食品。

    As a mother of two , she paid special attention to food for children .

  19. 论述了骨制品的加工以及骨制品在儿童食品中的应用。

    The process of the bone products and the application in enfant food was discussed .

  20. 功能性马铃薯儿童食品的研制

    Development of Functional Potato Food for Children

  21. 为了中华民族的未来大力发展优质儿童食品

    The development of infant foods in China

  22. 儿童食品与儿童疾病研究

    Study of Child Food and Disease

  23. 合理开发儿童食品市场

    Reasonably develop children food market

  24. 儿童食品的安全性

    Safety of children 's foods

  25. 欧洲委员会今天也提议禁止中国生产的所有含牛奶的儿童食品。

    The European Commission today proposed a ban on all Chinese-made children 's food products containing milk .

  26. 所以在儿童食品的包装设计中,需要合理准确使用包装色彩。

    So in the packaging design of child food , which need reasonable accurate use to packaging color .

  27. 对现代儿童食品包装设计理论及应用进行了描述与探讨。

    This paper offers description and discussion about the theory of and its application to the modern children 's packaging design .

  28. 同样儿童食品包装设计作为包装设计中的一部分,也需要注重包装的销售功能。

    The package of children 's food is one of the packages , so it must pay attention to the market .

  29. 上海市最新发布的一项调查结果显示,儿童食品及其安全是上海家长的“头等大事”。

    A latest research in Shanghai shows that children 's food and its safety was on top of these parents priority list .

  30. 世界卫生组织(who)鼓励各国对高盐、高脂、高糖类儿童食品饮料广告做出限制。

    The World Health Organisation encourages the restriction of advertising to children of foods and beverages high in salt , fat and sugar .