
  • 网络pear;crisp pear
  1. 砀山酥梨休眠芽和枝仅含极少量的游离氨基酸、游离Pro和可溶性蛋白质,不溶性蛋白质可能主要由Pro和Hyp组成。

    The dormant buds and shoots of Dangshan pear only contain very small amounts of free amino acid , free Pro and soluble protein . Perhaps the non soluble protein consists mainly of Pro and Hyp .

  2. 壳聚糖涂膜对砀山酥梨保鲜效果的研究

    Study on the Effect of Chitosan Coating Treatment on Dangshan Pear Fresh-keeping

  3. 利用8个引物的特异带构建了砀山酥梨的DNA指纹图谱。

    The DNA fingerprint constructed by the special bands of 8 arbitrary primers had been established .

  4. 施钾能增加酥梨一级果率,提高可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、维生素C含量,糖酸比及果实硬度。

    The percent of the first class fruit , the soluble solids content , the ascorbic acid , sugar-acidi-ty ratio , and the flesh firmness all were increased by potash application .

  5. 1-MCP对早酥梨常温贮藏期间果皮黄化、呼吸强度和品质的影响

    Effect of 1-MCP on yellowing , respiratory rate and quality of pear ( cv . Zaosu ) during ambient storage

  6. 采后1-MCP和1-MCP+单果包膜处理对早酥梨黄化的控制及部分机理的研究

    Controlling Yellowing of ' Early Crisp ' Pear with 1-MCP , 1-MCP Combined Individual Film Wrapping in Postharvest and Its Partial Mechanism

  7. 与不套袋梨比较,太谷和运城酥梨在套袋后可滴定酸含量、可溶性糖含量和Vc含量均有所降低,降低了酸甜口感的风味指标。

    Compared with the non-bagging , pear of bagging titrable acidity , soluble sugar content and Vc content were decreased in Tai Gu and Yun cheng , bagging reduce the flavor index of sweet and sour taste .

  8. 砀山酥梨土壤条件的研究

    Studies on the Soil Conditions of Dangshan Crisp Pear . Dangshan

  9. 套袋对砀山酥梨果实生长发育的影响

    Influence of Bagging on Fruit Growth and Development of Dangshan Pears

  10. 砀山酥梨果实套袋效果试验

    Research Analysis of Contrast Trials on Fruit Bagging of Dangshan Pear

  11. 早酥梨叶枯病危害损失与防治指标研究

    Study on losses caused by Leaf blight of pear and control index

  12. 土壤水分调控对酥梨品质的影响

    The Impact of The Soil Moisture control On Pear

  13. 无公害套袋酥梨病虫害综合防治技术研究与推广

    Generalization and Research on IPM of Biorational Packaged Pear

  14. 模拟高温货架条件下早酥梨涂蜡的保鲜效果

    Fresh-keeping Effect of Coated Premature Crisp Pear under the Condition of Simulated High Temperature Shelf

  15. 晋西黄土高原酥梨水分调控效应研究

    Effects of irrigation treatment on pear trees on the Loess Plateau in western Shanxi Province

  16. 通过对酥梨缺铁黄化症的土壤分析、叶片分析来确定诱发黄化的主要因素。

    Major factors of the pear iron chlorosis were determined through soil testing and leaf analysis .

  17. 特色:这款霞多丽具有扑面的葡萄、酥梨、烤坚果以及烤面包的香气。

    This Chardonnay has lifted aromas of grapefruits , crisp pears , grilled nuts and toast .

  18. 砀山酥梨果实石细胞与薄壁细胞发育关系的解剖学研究

    The Anatomic Study on Relationship of Stone Cells and Parenchyma Cells During Fruit Development of Pyrus bretschneideri

  19. 缺铁黄化对酥梨叶片营养元素含量和光合特性的影响

    Effect of Iron Deficiency on Contents of Nutrient Elements and Photosynthetic Characteristic of Leaves in Pear Trees

  20. 酥梨是蒲城县的一项主导产业,栽植面积0.8万公顷,年产值2亿多元,是南部灌区农民增收的主要来源,农村稳定的重要因素。

    Production of pear as one of the dominant industry in Pucheng county , cultivated area 80,000 ha .

  21. 宿州砀山地处皖北,素有梨都之称,以盛产酥梨闻名于世,是全国水果加工第一大县。

    It is famous for its Dangshan-crisp pears and is the largest county of fruit processing in China .

  22. 黄河故道地区果园土壤肥力与砀山酥梨品质初步研究

    Primary Study on the Soil Fertility and the Quality of Dangshan Pear in Orchards in Area of the Ancient Yellow

  23. 隰县试区酥梨主要害虫综合治理研究与应用

    Study on the Integrated Management for Main Insect Pests of Crisp Pear and Its Application in Xi County Experiment Region

  24. 人工低温对滇中砀山酥梨休眠芽和枝的效应

    Effects of the artificial low temperature on the dormant buds and shoots of Dangshan pear in the central part of Yunnan

  25. 文章分析了酥梨储藏期病害的特点,并提出了相应的防治措施。

    This paper introduces the features of disease of crisp pears in storage and provides corresponding measures for prevention and cure .

  26. 3种保鲜剂对常温贮藏早酥梨保鲜效果的影响

    Effects of Three Kinds of Preservatives on Fresh Preservation Effect of Asian Pear ( cv . Zaosu ) at Ambient Temperature Storage

  27. 几种生长调节剂对早酥梨生长与花芽分化的影响(初报)

    Comparative Study on Effects of Several Plant Growth Regulators on the Growth and Flower-Bud Differentiation in Zao-Su Pear ( the First Report )

  28. 无损硬度系数与梨的可溶性固形物也有较好的负相关性,酥梨、水晶梨、雪梨的相关系数分别为-0.903、-0.922和-0.920。

    The stiffness factor negatively correlated with SSC and the correlation coefficients were-0.903 , -0.922 and-0.920 for Dangshan , Shuijing and Xue pears , respectively .

  29. 因此,梨黑星病防治就成为砀山酥梨病害防治的重中之重,而对其准确预测预报是进行有效防治的基础与前提。

    So the prevention against pear scab is the most important among all diseases , and accurate forecasting is the foundation to take valid prevention .

  30. 结果表明:不经冬季低温处理的砀山酥梨花芽必然不能解除休眠;

    The results indicate that : the dormancy of flower buds of Dangshan pear which are not treated by low temperature do not surely be broken .