
sū yóu chá
  • buttered tea
酥油茶 [sū yóu chá]
  • [buttered tea] 藏族、蒙古族地区的一种饮料,用酥油、砖茶、盐等制成

  1. 在那里喝喝酥油茶,暖和暖和。

    There I drank some buttered tea to warm myself .

  2. 大牛,你别光顾着喝酥油茶。

    Daniel , don 't just drink you buttered tea .

  3. 给你尝尝草原上的酥油茶。

    Please try the milk tea of steppe .

  4. 他们邀请我们去家中做客,拿出酥油茶和荞麦饼招待我们。

    We were welcomed into homes and fed impossibly rich yak-butter tea and raw barley cookies .

  5. 中午十二点,尼泊尔。一大群和尚在喝酥油茶。

    A large gathering of monks being served tea mixed with yak butter . 6 PM , France .

  6. 观众朋友们,在您们欣赏美丽风景的同时,我也把最后一碗酥油茶给喝完了。

    Viewer friends , while you were enjoying the sights , I also drank my last bowl of buttered tea .

  7. 结果表明,用微胶囊粉工业化生产的酥油茶粉口感好、速溶性好,易于保存。

    The result shows that the powder of butter with tea produced by microencapsulation technology has good taste and instant capacity and is easy to conserve .

  8. 听寺钟一鸣,闻熏香一缕,或嘬上一小口腥味十足的酥油茶,他们便丧失了辨别力。

    One tinkle of the temple bell , one whiff of incense , or one sip of rancid yak-butter tea , and they lose their critical faculties .

  9. 本实用新型电动酥油茶搅拌器设计一种使用方便,成本低廉的电动搅拌装置,用以制备具有传统风味的酥油茶。

    The electric buttered tea stirrer of the utility model relates to an electric stirring device with easy use and low cost which is used for preparing buttered tea with conventional flavour .

  10. 建议调整饮食结构,改进茶叶品质,减少酥油茶摄入量,以降低氟牙症的患病率。

    In order to reduce the prevalence rate of Dental fluorosis , it is recommended that adjust the food composition , improve the quality of tea and reduce the in-take quantity of ghee-tea .

  11. 双方死后,美梅措到变成内地茶树上的茶叶,文顿巴变成羌塘盐湖里的盐,每当藏族人打酥油茶时,茶和盐就会再次相遇。

    After the young couple died , Memeso became the leaves of the local tea plants and Wenpadan turned into the salt in Qiangtang Salt Lake . Since then buttered tea symbolizes the reunion of the tea and the salt .

  12. 砖茶含鞣酸多,刺激肠胃蠕动加快消化,单喝极易饥饿,必须加酥油或牛奶,酥油茶因具有极高的热量,能消除寒气补充人体所需的热量,是香格里拉地区最好的饮料。

    Containing tannin acid , brick tea stimulates the secretion of gastric acid which fastens the process of digestion . It has to go with ghee or milk to allay hunger . Its high calorie can provide enough power man needs as the most favorable drink in Shangri-La .