
  • 网络the hypercycle;Hypercycle theory
  1. 于是,这又是一个超循环论模型。

    So it is the model of the hypercycle .

  2. 自组织超循环论及其对循环经济系统建设的启示

    Self-Organization Hypercycle Theory and Its Inspiration on Construction of Circular Economy System

  3. 超循环论对生命复杂性与有序性的揭密

    Revealing the Secrets of the Complexity and Order of Life by Hypercycle Theory

  4. 第二部分说明,作为达尔文进化论的核心原理的自然选择,其奥秘在于超循环论中的选择价值概念与选择进化方程;

    In Patr two , it shows that the selection-evolution equation and the selective worth function in hyper-cycles theory can account for the intrinsic mechanism of natural selection in theoty of Darwin .