
  • 网络complexity;compound;multiplication;compositionality;Compound Nature
  1. 规则格网DEM具有数据结构存储简单、与遥感影像数据的复合性和良好的表面分析功能等优点。

    Regular Grid DEM has many advantages , such as the storage data structure is simple , the remote sensing image data is compound and the surface analysis is good .

  2. 在另1例患者中发现第6外显子的610(GT)的无义突变和第47外显子的6679(CT)的错义突变,为一种复合性杂合突变。

    A nonsense mutation of 610 ( GT ) in exon 6 combined with a missense mutation of 6679 ( CT ) in exon 47 , which was a compound heterozygotic mutation , were identified in the other patient .

  3. JSZ复合性防水涂料的性能及应用

    Capability and application of JSZ compound repelling dope

  4. IGR各亚组存在不同的代谢异常,复合性糖耐量低减组和IFG组较IGT组的BMI、高血压、微量蛋白尿、HOMAIR?

    There were various metabolic disorders in the subgroups of IGR . The IFG plus IGT and IFG group had higher BMI , hypertension , microalbuminuria and HOMA-IR , but lower HOMA-B than the IGT group .

  5. 方法采用世界卫生组织-世界精神健康联盟(WHOWMH)提供的复合性国际诊断交谈检查表(CIDI)3.2,对深圳市2005年精神疾病流行状况进行调查。

    Methods The epidemiological survey on neuroses was carried out in Shenzhen in 2005 using The World Health Organizaion ( WHO ) World Mental Health ( WMH ) Survey Initiative version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview CIDI 3.2.Results 7 ?

  6. 老年复合性中风的临床分析

    A Clinical and CT Scanning Study of Aged Patients with Multiple Stroke

  7. 以国际疾病分类第10版精神与行为障碍分类和复合性国际诊断交谈检查为主要筛查和诊断工具。

    Composite international diagnostic interview was as the screening and diagnosis tool .

  8. 脊柱复合性损伤的救治风险与早期治疗

    Early treatment of spinal fracture in patients with multiple injuries and its risks

  9. 无机诱导因子复合性骨支架材料的生物相容学研究&兼论人体外复合细胞相容性观察

    Observation on the biocompatibility of prefabricated - mineralized inducement bone tissue engineered grafts

  10. 应用预制型无机诱导因子复合性工程支架材料行山羊组织工程化骨构建的放射性核素显像监测

    Radionuclide observation of repairing goat mandible defects with prefabricated-mineral inducing bone tissue engineered grafts

  11. 突发事件本身是一个包含不同类别、级别和阶段的复合性概念。

    Incident itself is a multiple concept that contains different kinds , levels and stages .

  12. 理性由于其有限性,造成了人类行动的复合性特点。

    Due to the finity of reason , make the human action characteristic of complexity .

  13. 复合性溃疡8例,伴肠化生3例,伴不典型增生2例;

    Cases compound ulcer , 3 cases with IM and 2 cases with atypical hyperplasia ;

  14. 65例复合性视网膜前膜的组织培养

    Tissue culture of 65 complex epiretinal membranes

  15. 复合性掌指关节掌侧脱位

    Complex volar dislocation of the metacarpophalangeal joint

  16. 目的报告25例复合性颅脑损伤患者的诊治经验。

    Objective To report diagnosing and treating experience of 25 cases with compound craniocerebral injury .

  17. 复合性溃疡48例分析

    Analysis of 48 cases with complex ulcer

  18. 上颌骨复合性损伤的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of maxillary complex injuries

  19. 论复合性社区矫正制度

    On the Comprehensive Community Correction System

  20. 通常这是一个复合性的问题,因为客户端编码和服务器端编码由不同的人来做。

    Often that problem is compounded , because different individuals do the client-side and server-side coding .

  21. 对于合理选取复合性材料铜铁合金配方有一定的意义。

    It is helpful to select the compound material of copper iron alloy to study the effect .

  22. 其主要特征有:多元性与复合性,阶层性与地方性,神秘性与实用性,稳定性与变异性。

    Its major characteristics include : multiplicity and complexity ; orderliness and locality ; mysteriousness and practicality ;

  23. 目的探讨青年军人消化性溃疡中复合性溃疡的发生情况及内镜下检查特点。

    Objective To discuss the incidence of compound ulcer in youthful soldier with peptic ulcer and their characteristic .

  24. 城市铁路旅客站站前广场空间环境复合性研究

    Research on the Compound Character of Space and Environment of the Urban Railway Passenger Station 's Front Sqare

  25. 复合性眼眶骨折修复重建术中计算机辅助设计和辅助制造技术的应用

    The use of CAD / CAM techniques in the repair of complex orbital fractures and the reposition of enophthalmos

  26. 目的:探讨复合性鼻骨骨折的临床表现及诊疗方法。

    Objective : In order to study accurate methods of diagnosis and restitution for compound fracture of nasal bone .

  27. 两种剂量奥美拉唑治疗复合性溃疡的疗效比较

    Clinical and Gastroscopic Observations on the Therapeutic Effects of Two Different Dosages of Omeprazole in Patients with Composite Ulcers

  28. 方法对我院住院治疗的复合性角膜穿孔伤67例(67眼)根据角膜穿孔伤的程度及其合并症采取不同的联合手术处理。其中联合晶状体超声乳化吸出+人工晶状体植入15眼;

    Methods According to the degree of corneal penetrating trauma in 67 cases ( 67eyes ), different combined operations were performed .

  29. 教育变革主体的构成具有复合性,可分为利益主体、决策主体和行为主体三大部分。

    The constitution of educational change subjects is compound , which consists of interest subject , decision-making subject and behavior subject .

  30. 二是设置与德育相结合的教育机构,完善教学咨询人员的复合性知识结构;

    Second , we should establish some educational organizations that can combine with moral education , better the compound knowledge structure of teaching consulters .