
chāo rán
  • aloof;detached;distracted
超然 [chāo rán]
  • (1) [detached]∶超脱世俗

  • 历史家所必需的超然态度

  • (2) [distracted]∶怅惘的样子

  • 超然不对

超然[chāo rán]
  1. 这位超然的作曲家对舆论既不担心,也不在意。

    The aloof composer neither worried nor cared about public opinion .

  2. 克拉拉倚着餐桌坐着,一副清高超然的样子。

    Clara sat leaning on the table , holding aloof .

  3. 里德利以一种吹毛求疵的超然态度看待他的作品。

    Ridley viewed his work with a cynical detachment .

  4. 他冷静超然的伪装破碎了,一瞬间她的面前出现了一个愤怒而又狂暴的男人。

    His mask of detachment cracked , and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man .

  5. 他对那件事持超然的态度。

    He adopted a detached attitude to the matter .

  6. 一只超然豁达的老鼠高声颂扬大自然的仁厚,赞美它对鼠辈们所给予的特别的关爱。

    A philosophical loudly in praise of nature 's goodness for having made the mice such particular objects of her concern and protection .

  7. 通常被认为愤世嫉俗和超然出世的x一代员工不是最显眼的领导人选。

    Often viewed as ironic and detached , Gen X workers are not the most obvious leaders .

  8. iPhone热潮如火如荼的时候,苹果保持超然的姿态,自然是无可厚非。

    At the height of the iPhone craze a few years ago it was understandable that Apple could get away with maintaining such an aloof stance .

  9. 投资者们自我麻痹地认为印度大多数的信息产业公司皆能达到Infosys的水准,而超然于余下的9000家其它上市公司。

    Investors delude themselves if they think standards in most Indian technology firms , let alone the rest of its9,000 listed companies , are close to those set by Infosys .

  10. 她是瑞典小说家斯蒂格·拉森(StiegLarsson)的女友,拉森著有广受欢迎的千禧年犯罪惊险系列小说。两人幸福地在一起生活了32年,超然于婚姻制度之上。

    The girlfriend of Swedish novelist Stieg Larsson – author of the popular Millennium crime thriller series – lived with him for32 blissful years , bucking the institution of marriage .

  11. 在刑事诉讼中,鉴定人处于独立和超然的地位。

    In Criminal procedure , expert witness is independent and unprejudicial .

  12. 医生的超然与介入文学世俗化嬗变论

    Aloofness and Empathy of the Doctor Evolution of Literature towards Worldliness

  13. 我想请你保持超然客观。

    I would ask you if you could remain emotionally detached .

  14. 这样你就可以超然于任务之上。

    To keep you detached from what you have to do .

  15. 冷漠无情超然一切她完全没有人性了

    cold and detached . She 's given up her humanity .

  16. 传教士总是乐意回答渴望超然知识的真诚者的问题。

    A preacher is always ready to answer questions from sincere people .

  17. 皇帝对所有政党持超然态度。

    The emperor kept a loof frora all political parties .

  18. 美国在过去几年里就表现出了超然态度,如今更加超然了。

    The US is more detached than it has been for years .

  19. 她对眼前发生的事感到很超然。

    She felt a sense of detachment from what was going on .

  20. 即使周围的人都惊惶不已,她也总是保持著超然的镇静

    Even when those around her panic she always maintain an olympian calm

  21. 我必须屏除军事历史学家吹毛求疵的超然态度。

    I must suspend the military historian 's critical detachment .

  22. 她的表情是超然的,诗意的,狂放无羁的。

    Her expression was aloof , poetic , rhapsodical .

  23. 三是祥和超然的人生态度;

    Third is his kind and detached human attitude ;

  24. 他可以带着超然的态度看待他人的没落。

    He can look with condescentsion upon the states to which men fall .

  25. 能不能想起某一次,你感到完全超然于世界之上?

    Remember a time when you felt absolutely on top of the world ?

  26. 湿婆神是普被世间的爱,是超然一切的实体。

    God Siva is immanent love and transcendent reality .

  27. 在1940年人们情绪极端激昂之时,这种超然的态度就更加值得注意了。

    This detachment was all the more remarkable midst the flaring emotions of1940 .

  28. 他以冷漠超然的神态静听着各种论点。

    He listened quietly to the arguments with an air of aloof detachment .

  29. 但在琐罗亚斯德教的信仰里面,阿胡玛兹达是抽象和超然的。

    But in the Zoroastrian faith , Ahura Mazda is abstract and transcendent .

  30. 她的脸上露出一种超然的愉悦。

    Her face had an expression of detached amusement .