
  1. 据悉,游客只需持豪斯登堡单日门票,即可触碰大部分机器人并与其进行互动。

    A Huis Ten Bosch day pass will allow guests to touch and interact with most of the robots .

  2. 昨晚在豪斯登堡皇家宫殿里,40岁的王后似乎比自己的丈夫国王威廉亚历山大更加引人注目。

    The 40-year-old appeared to court more attention than her husband King Willem-Alexander last night at the Royal Palace Huis ten Bosch .

  3. 豪斯登堡是位于日本长崎附近的游乐园。

    Huis Ten Boch is an amusement park near Nagasaki in Japan .

  4. 主题公园建筑:日本豪斯登堡

    Architecture of theme parks : Huisten Bosch Japan

  5. 豪斯登堡实在很大。

    There are five large hotels .

  6. 经营这家主题公园的公司总裁泽秀雄接受《日经亚洲时报》采访时表示,长崎县的豪斯登堡公园的“机器人王国”园区将于今年7月开放。

    The park is Huis Ten Bosch in Nagasaki , and its robot realm will open in July , Hideo Sawada , president of the theme park 's operating company , told the Nikkei Asian Times .