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háo fàng
  • bold and unconstrained;forthright;bold and inhibited
豪放 [háo fàng]
  • [forthright;bold and inhibited] 雄豪奔放,也指气魄大而不拘小节

  • 行列颇为壮丽和豪放

豪放[háo fàng]
  1. 风格多样,兼具豪放和婉约之美;

    Its style is varied , concurrently has bold and unconstrained beauty ;

  2. 悟道与守望&豪放的两种风格

    Realizing Tao and Keeping Watch & Two Styles of Bold and Unconstrained

  3. 他粗犷豪放,给人一种特殊的感觉。

    He possessed a raw energy allied to a feeling of something special .

  4. 这个诗人的豪放生活与他缠绵悱恻的诗篇形成鲜明的对照。

    The poet 's rough life contrasts with his sensitive poetry .

  5. 时代精神对南宋豪放词形成的影响

    Impact of Time Spirit on South Song 's Bold Word

  6. 他的风格豪放不拘,不太适宜写这类小题目。

    His hand was too strong for such small subjects .

  7. 后来他的作品变得豪放,有些兽性的现实主义。

    Then his writing became an orgy of pragmatism or brutal realism .

  8. 三是采用了豪放纵逸的大写意笔法。

    Third , it adopted the bold and unrestrained vigorous freehand brushwork .

  9. 那样做,固然豪放,但他并没有那样做。

    That would have been beautiful ; but it was not thus .

  10. 徐州体感温度时空分布之特征试论东坡豪放词中的时空感

    The Features of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of the Sensible Temperature in Xuzhou

  11. 这么说你是个豪放妹了。

    I take it you are a party girl .

  12. 我是一个开朗豪放的女孩!

    I am a open and bright bold girl !

  13. 作为朋友,小雅是豪放的。

    As a friend , Xiaoya is open .

  14. 南宋豪放词的大兴与时代精神密切相关。

    The flourish of south song bold word is closely related with time spirit .

  15. 第三部分分析二者豪放作品。

    The third part analyzes two uninhibited works .

  16. 从平淡到豪放&浅析陶渊明诗歌艺术风格

    From Light to Bold & Brief Analysis of Tao Yuanming 's Artistic Style of Poetry

  17. 她的散曲多是直抒胸臆,恣肆奔放,以豪放的北曲为主要创作方式。

    Her works is bold and unrestrained , and this is the mainly creation tendency .

  18. 他的书法刚劲豪放。

    His calligraphy is bold and vigorous .

  19. 东北方言具有简洁生动、粗犷豪放、幽默诙谐等特点。

    Terse and livery , bold and unconstrained , humorous is the characteristics of Northeast dialect .

  20. 宋词豪放派、婉约派之否定论

    The Denial Theory about Song Ci Poems " Bold Faction " and " Grace Faction "

  21. 刚柔兼济、雄奇豪放而又曲折含蓄的风格美;

    Bold and implicative style ;

  22. 平淡中见豪放豪放中蕴平淡&从陶诗中的菊花意象再议陶诗风格

    Plain and Bold Embodying Each Other - On TAO Yuan-ming 's Poetry Style from the Chrysanthemum Image

  23. 这组豪放的自拍照近期在网络论坛上广泛流传。

    This group bold and unconstrained pictures have been widely spread across the forums of internet recently .

  24. 诗歌激越豪放,具有慷慨奔放的气势。

    His poems are sad depressed , or agitation , uninhibited , with a generous and imaginative momentum .

  25. 我是一个热情豪放的大男孩,想结交来自世界各地的朋友!

    I am a boy , want to make friends with you from every corner of the world !

  26. 他看来怎样,先生?他是不是又魁梧、又豪放、又直爽、又精神饱满呢?

    How did he look , sir ? Was he portly , bold , outspoken , and hearty ?

  27. 蒙古是豪放的民族,在热情豪迈的音乐歌谣中表现无遣,蒙古也是苦难的民族,充?

    Mongolia is a bold and unconstrained nation , showing in the bold , unconstrained and enthusiastic music .

  28. 界定豪放的含义为词内容的旷达超脱和词形式的气象恢弘。

    Limits the bold meaning broad-minded unique and the word form meteorology is broad for the word content .

  29. 其次,三位诗人通过对力的张扬造就了新边塞诗强悍、粗犷、豪放的雄性美,实现了新时期文学对审美需求的拓展。

    To be a result , the new frontier poetry develop the aesthetic demand of the New Period Literature .

  30. 钟情你的我啊,我虽无钱无名无房无车却诚信专一善良豪放。

    I love you , ah , I have no money to unknown non-HA-specific car-free is good Haofang integrity .