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huān xīn
  • liking;favour;love;graces
欢心 [huān xīn]
  • (1) [favour;liking]∶上级对下级的重视

  • 想博取欢心

  • (2) [graces]∶好感,内心喜爱

  • 试图不失去雇主的欢心

欢心[huān xīn]
  1. 到了秦国,曹商很得秦王欢心,于是秦王又赐给他百乘车马。

    Upon arriving in the State of Qin , Cao Shang won the favour of the King of Qin . Consequently , the King bestowed upon him 100 chariots .

  2. 琼斯失去了那个政党领导层的欢心。

    Jones has fallen out of favour with the party leadership .

  3. 这些政策不大可能博得中产阶级选民的欢心。

    These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters .

  4. 取得男人欢心的方法就是让他吃好。

    The way to a man 's heart is through his stomach .

  5. 她知道怎样讨她爸爸的欢心。

    She knows how to get round her dad .

  6. 许多政客都设法讨她的欢心。

    Many politicians are trying to ingratiate themselves with her .

  7. 你得讨卡梅拉的欢心。

    You 'll need to get on the right side of Carmela .

  8. 她从不放过任何博取公众欢心的机会。

    She never misses a chance to worm her way into the public 's hearts

  9. 你如此急于博得国王的欢心,以致其他事情都不管不顾了。

    You 're so eager to stay in the good graces of the King that nothing else matters to you .

  10. 我一走进房间,诺曼就告诉我一些非常有趣的消息,力图赢得我的欢心。

    Norman made a dead set at me as soon as I entered the room and gave me some very interesting news .

  11. Sweet-wordsbribery指不送钱和礼,而用阿谀奉承之词讨领导或有利用价值的人欢心,以达到自己的目的,即“精神贿赂”。

    Sweet-words bribery words , instead of cash and gifts , that some people use to win over the heart of their boss or someone who might be useful , in order to get what they want .

  12. 我此刻尚未讨得她的欢心

    I 'm not in her good graces at the moment .

  13. 她失去了雇主的欢心。

    She is out of favor with her employer .

  14. 方鸿渐要博鲍小姐欢心,便把“黑甜”、“朱古力小姐”那些亲昵的称呼告诉她

    He tried to amuse her by calling her the affectionate nicknames " Dark Sweetie " and " Miss Chocolate . "

  15. 主人出去吃晚饭或午饭,每次都要给小狗带回好吃的东西,这时他就会在主人身旁欢快地跳跃,以博取主人的欢心。

    The master seldom went out to dine or to super without bringing him something nice to eat when he jumped about him in a pleasant manner .

  16. 他的徒弟、一心想讨师傅欢心的小精灵帕琪受命离开北极,奔赴大城市纽约派发礼物。但帕琪却卷入了一个卑鄙的玩具大亨的阴谋中,后者想要掌控圣诞市场。

    But when Santa 's eager-to-please elf Patch leaves the North Pole for the big streets of New York City , he becomes mixed up with a dastardly toy tycoon 's plans to take over Christmas .

  17. 凭借第一款中国制造的陀飞轮手表,上海手表厂(ShanghaiWatch)赢得了许多藏家的欢心。

    China-based Shanghai Watch has won over many collectors with the first China-made tourbillion timepiece .

  18. 在亨廷登上了一年之后,她转去阿拉巴马大学(UniversityofAlabama)学习法律,主要是为了讨父亲欢心。

    After a year at Huntingdon , Lee transferred to the University of Alabama to study law , primarily to please her father .

  19. 从事国际法业务的律师事务所(Internationallawfirms)欢心鼓舞了,其他的公司只能叫苦不迭,他们在中国,比利时和美国的合并,将面临摩擦性成本。

    International law firms may be celebrating , but other companies must be lamenting that they will now face frictional costs to mergers in Beijing , as well as in Brussels and Washington , DC .

  20. 纽约的高管和职业培训师梅雷迪思•哈伯费尔德(MeredithHaberfeld)说,为博取老板欢心而不惜牺牲同事利益的人会招致不满。

    The boss 's pet who ingratiates himself at the expense of his co-workers incites negative judgments , says Meredith Haberfeld , a New York-based executive and career coach .

  21. 很少有商界人士能像SherylSandberg似地懂得讨老油条似的媒体的欢心。身为最大社交网络——Facebook的二当家的谢勒尔桑德格最近一直忙着亲切会见记者们。

    Few corporate types can charm hardened hacks so effectively . Sheryl Sandberg , the number two at Facebook , the world 's biggest social network , has been glad-handing reporters with spectacular results .

  22. 亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝索斯(JeffBezos)从不使用讨人欢心的把戏。他曾表示,“我们的文化是友善和紧张的,但在紧要关头,我们只能退而求其次地选择紧张。”其他企业则构建了一种基于员工幸福的商业模式。

    Founder Jeff Bezos has never had any truck with cuddly : " Our culture is friendly and intense , but if push comes to shove we 'll settle for intense , " he once said . The rest of the corporate world has built a business model that rests on the idea of happy workers .

  23. 那位读者得到图书馆馆长的欢心。

    The reader is in the cheif librarian 's good books .

  24. 他喜欢讲他如何博得生活乏味的家庭主妇们欢心的逸事。

    He loved telling stories of his conquests of bored housewives .

  25. 哦,你真是会讨女士的欢心。

    Well , you certainly know how to compliment a woman .

  26. 这个孩子已博得老人的欢心。

    The child has quite won the old man 's heart .

  27. 他设法巧妙地渐渐取得老板的欢心。

    He tried to insinuate himself into the boss 's favor .

  28. 我要做出色的事以博得她欢心。

    I can 't ask , I have to earn her .

  29. 她很快就试图使她自己获得新政府的欢心。

    She quickly sought to ingratiate herself with the new administration .

  30. 我决定尽一切讨你的欢心。

    I did all me could to win your favour .