
  • 网络Happy Festival;Happy Day;Happy Street;La Festa Capricciosa
  1. 欢乐节是海南岛的盛大节日之一。

    Hainan Island carnival is one of the biggest festivals in Hainan .

  2. 12月29日,第14届中国海南岛欢乐节开幕。海南正以丰富多样的活动笑迎八方客。

    Hainan province started its fourteenth annual carnival on Dec 29 with various activities for tourists from across the world .

  3. 期间成立的大三亚旅游圈联盟成员共同研究制定了三条从三亚出发的琼南旅游体验线路,旨在借此次第14届海南岛欢乐节之机,进一步促进琼南七市县旅游资源的开发。

    Members of the Big Sanya Tourism Circle tourism alliance recently developed and issued 3 new southern Hainan tourism routes that start from Sanya , in a bid to better promote the tourism resources of the seven cities and counties in Southern Hainan at the 14th Hainan Carnival .

  4. 期间成立的“大三亚旅游圈”联盟成员共同研究制定了三条从三亚出发的琼南旅游体验线路,旨在借此次第14届海南岛欢乐节之机,进一步促进琼南七市县旅游资源的开发。

    Members of the " Big Sanya Tourism Circle " tourism alliance recently developed and issued 3 new southern Hainan tourism routes that start from Sanya , in a bid to better promote the tourism resources of the seven cities and counties in Southern Hainan at the 14th Hainan Carnival .

  5. 阅读这段圣训时,我们注意到,事情发生在对穆斯林来说充满喜庆和欢乐的尔德节的一天。

    When we read the hadith , we can realize that it was said on a day of Eid which is normally a day of happiness and joy for all Muslims .

  6. 谢谢大家。我代表我的家人祝大家度过一个欢乐祥和的国庆节!

    Thanks , everybody.From my family to yours , have a safe and happy Fourth of July .