
  1. 马尔代夫有宏伟的海洋、迷人的沙滩和豪华度假村。

    There is a magnificent ocean , with fascinating beaches and luxury resorts .

  2. 高端产品可以是包含去印度、智利、巴厘岛或者其它地方的豪华度假村的全套服务的度假产品。

    The high end can range from packages at luxury resorts to all-inclusive vacations to India , Chile , Bali or elsewhere .

  3. 新的海边豪华度假村专为来自城市的富裕丁克家庭度假者而建,他们能承受度假村的高价格。

    EXAMPLE : The luxurious new seaside resort was designed for a wealthy young DINK vacationers from the city who could afford its high prices .

  4. 沙特阿拉伯于近日启动了一个大型旅游开发项目,该项目将把50个岛屿和红海的其他景点开发为豪华度假村。

    Saudi Arabia has launched a massive tourism development project that will turn 50 islands and other sites on the Red Sea into luxury resorts .

  5. 海滩周围还坐落着豪华度假村、人气爆棚的日落餐厅酒吧和其他的夜总会。

    The Caravanserai Resort , the popular Sunset Beach Bar and other restaurants / night clubs such as Bamboo Bernies and Bliss are located nearby .

  6. 在这里,既有维拉港和卢甘维尔的大型的豪华度假村,又有小型的,建筑在小岛上的家庭式平房。

    There is accommodation ranging from large luxury resorts in the major centres of Port Vila or Luganville through to small local family-owned bungalows on the outer islands .

  7. 以下是台湾北部的一座废弃之城:位处三芝的这座新潮宇宙飞船的可分离舱式的小镇,最初旨在建成富人的豪华度假村。

    The following is an abandoned northern Taiwan city : located in Sanchih , this small trendy detachable spacecraft cabin town , originally designed for rich , luxurious resort .

  8. 经过一天的皮艇漂流后,我在新总督斯诺马斯参加了一个显然是科技含量不高的观星活动。新总督斯诺马斯是一个有着173间客房的豪华度假村,靠近阿斯彭附近的斯诺马斯滑雪场。

    After a day of white water kayaking I took part in a decidedly low-tech session at the new Viceroy Snowmass , an opulent 173-room resort on the Snowmass ski slopes near Aspen .

  9. 据《太阳报》上周日报道,这位参加过奥运会的跳水运动员与其未婚夫达斯汀?兰斯?布莱克于上周末在达特穆尔国家公园的高尔夫豪华度假村秘密举行了民间婚礼仪式。

    The Olympic diver wed fiance Dustin Lance Black over the weekend at an intimate civil partnership ceremony at a lavish golf resort in Dartmoor national park , the Sun on Sunday said .

  10. 迄今为止,他们在这个网站上找到的工作包括:经营莫桑比克的一家海滩旅馆,管理南极洲的一间邮局,在博茨瓦纳北部主办一个游猎营地,为红海一家豪华的高尔夫度假村记账,以及主持电视节目《ParadiseHunter》等。

    Among the jobs they have found through the site so far : Managing a beach lodge in Mozambique , running a post office in Antarctica , hosting a safari camp in northern Botswana , keeping the books for a luxury golf resort on the Red Sea , and hosting a television series called Paradise Hunter .

  11. 豪华酒店及度假村在经济衰退期间衰落得厉害,因为商务旅行策划者回避浪费,而消费者计划节俭,如果有休假的话。

    Luxury hotels and resorts have fallen on hard times during the recession , as corporate travel planners shy away from lavish spending and consumers plan thrifty , if any , vacations .

  12. 公司产品主要用于办公写字楼、高级会所、豪华KTV、休闲度假村、星级酒店和别墅豪宅等高档室内外场所;

    Our products are mainly used at Office Building ; High Club ; KTV ; Villa Village ; Luxurious Hotel and other luxurious building .

  13. 隶属于亚龙湾热带天堂森林公园的豪华酒店——鸟巢度假村,就构建在郁郁葱葱的树冠之上。

    Attached to the park is a luxury hotel , the Bird 's Nest Resort , which is built on top of the thick forest canopy .