
  • 网络accumulation;petroleum accumulation
  1. r顶点值大于0.5μm的储集层厚度越大,对油气聚集越有利;

    The thicker is the reservoir with radex larger than 0 . 5 μ in , the more favorable is it for oil and gas accumulation .

  2. 文中提供的四个经验公式及全部说明上述关系的图件将有助于AVO幅距分析研究,以及在多波勘探中掌握岩性规律及寻找油气聚集地段。

    Four empiric formulas and the relevant figures in this paper favour AVO analysis , lithology regularity recognition in multiwave exploration , and the discovery of hydrocarbon accumulation area .

  3. 盐湖等深流沉积。风暴重力流、纵向重力流和滑塌重力流中的“ABAB”序和“BBB”序中&细砂岩是油气聚集的有利场所。

    The " ABAB "," BBB " sequences middle-fine grained sandstones in longitudinal gravity flows , slide gravity flows and storm gravity flows are favorable for oil and gas accumulation .

  4. 用层序地层学评价鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩油气聚集带

    Assessment of hydrocarbon accumulation zone in Ordovician carbonate rocks by sequence-stratigraphy

  5. 反转构造的反转程度及其与油气聚集的关系

    Reversal degree of reversal structures and its relation with hydrocarbon accumulation

  6. 油气聚集保存的时间性和有效性分析&油气有效成藏期及有效成藏组合研究

    Analysis of the timing and effectiveness of hydrocarbon accumulation and preservation

  7. 松辽盆地继承性断裂带特征及其在油气聚集中的作用

    Characteristics of inherited fault belts and their effect on hydrocarbon accumulation

  8. 塔里木盆地侏罗系油气聚集与分布

    Petroleum Accumulation and Distribution in the Jurassic System in Tarim Basin

  9. 塔里木盆地构造应力场与油气聚集

    Oil and gas accumulation and structural stress field in Tarim Basin

  10. 江陵凹陷盐构造及与油气聚集的关系

    Salt Structure and Its Relationship with Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Jiangling Sag

  11. 松辽盆地东南隆起区构造带成因类型及其油气聚集模式

    Genetic types and accumulation modes of structural belt in the Southeast

  12. 准噶尔盆地腹部断裂活动对油气聚集的控制作用

    Control of fault activity on hydrocarbon accumulation in central Junggar Basin

  13. 阳信洼陷构造岩浆演化与油气聚集

    Tectono - magmatic evolution of Yangxin depression and its hydrocarbon accumulation

  14. 晋陕地区地质构造演化与油气聚集

    Evolutionary Characteristics of Geological Structure and Oil-gas Accumulation in Shanxi-Shaanxi Area

  15. 区域盖层在油气聚集中的作用

    Effects of regional cap formation on oil and gas accumulation

  16. 西安市城市机动车拥有量预测关于油气聚集量问题

    Forecast the amount of vehicles capacity in Xi ' an

  17. 图象积累与自适应门限检测技术的研究关于油气聚集量问题

    Detecting Subpixel and Point Target by Image Accumulation ON THE ACCUMULATION AMOUNT

  18. 鄂尔多斯盆地下古生界地层地史模拟与油气聚集

    Geohistory modeling and hydrocarbons accumulation of Lower Paleozoic strata in Ordos Basin

  19. 克拉玛依逆掩断裂带地质力学分析与油气聚集

    Geomechanical analysis and hydrocarbon accumulation of the Karamay overthrust belt

  20. 断裂系统控制圈闭和油气聚集;

    Traps and hydrocarbon accumulation are controlled by fracture sytem ;

  21. 隆起周缘具半地堑结构的凹陷是良好的油气聚集带之一。

    The half-graben around the dome was better place for oil-gas migration .

  22. 多因素油气聚集系数的研究方法及其应用

    Study and application of the coefficient of hydrocarbon accumulation determined by multifactors

  23. 扇三角洲沉积体系及其与油气聚集关系

    Fan Deltaic Depositional Systems and Their Relationship to Oil and Gas Accumulation

  24. 酒泉盆地前陆冲断带油气聚集规律

    The Oil-gas Accumulation Principle in the Foreland Overthrust Belt of Jiuquan Basin

  25. 圈闭和运移条件成为控制油气聚集的重要因素。

    Trapping and migration are the main controlling factors for hydrocarbon accumulations .

  26. 断陷盆地油气聚集模式及其动力学特征

    Accumulating models of petroleum and their dynamic characteristics in faulted depression basin

  27. 大多数储层超压是油气聚集的结果;

    Most of reservoir overpressure fluid system results from accumulation of hydrocarbons .

  28. 岩性地层型油气聚集区带的基本特征

    Principal features of stratigraphic - lithological hydrocarbon accumulation zone

  29. 中央隆起区油气聚集特征与富集关键

    Hydrocarbon accumulation and key factors of hydrocarbon reservoirs forming in central uplifted zone

  30. 塔里木盆地新生代构造演化与油气聚集

    Cenozoic tectonic evolution and oil-gas accumulation in Tarim Basin