
  • 网络chain drive pumping unit
  1. 链条抽油机系统可靠性数字仿真

    Digital simulation of system reliability of chain drive pumping unit

  2. 新型链条抽油机的方案设计及性能分析

    Scheme design and performance analysis of a new chain drive pumping unit

  3. 新型链条抽油机设计螺旋传动电机换向抽油机的设计

    NEW CHAIN DRIVE PUMPING UNIT Design of new type pumping unit

  4. 浅谈链条抽油机的应用与改进

    Elementary discussion the application and improvement of chain - drive pumping units

  5. 链条抽油机轨迹链条的工作特点&兼论新型齿链的应用

    Operating Characteristic of the Path Chain on Chain Pumping Units

  6. 链条抽油机机架的结构优化设计

    The Structural Optimum Design of A Chain-Driving Pumping Unit Frame

  7. 链条抽油机滚子链传动的设计计算

    Design of the Roller Chain Drive on Chain - Drive Pumping Units

  8. 无换向架链条抽油机轨迹链条受力分析

    Force analysis of path chain on chain drive pumping unit without reverse rack

  9. 现场使用表明,改造后的链条抽油机运转平稳可靠,振动和噪音比原来大大减轻,经济效益显著。

    Field use shows that the reformed unit operates smoothly with low noise .

  10. 链条抽油机无侧弯力矩换向平衡装置

    Lateral bending moment - free reverse and balance mechanism on chain-drive pumping units

  11. 利用振动时效技术消除链条抽油机机架焊接残余应力

    Application of VSR in removing the residual welding stress in chain-drive pumping unit frame

  12. 新型链条抽油机设计

    New chain drive pumping unit design

  13. 计算结果表明,质量合格的石油钻机传动滚子链能胜任链条抽油机的传动。

    The result of calculation shows that qualified roller chains for drilling rigs are competent for the job on chain-drive pumping units .

  14. 针对传统链条抽油机的平衡机构和换向机构故障率较高、影响生产的问题,设计了一种新型链条抽油机。

    A new chain drive pumping unit was designed to prevent frequent failures of the balance mechanism and the reverse mechanism in traditional chain drive pumping units .

  15. 建议改进链条抽油机往返系统的结构设计,消除或减少轨迹链条的侧向弯曲,以提高抽油机的使用寿命。

    So the design of the reciprocating system of the unit should be improved with the view of eliminating or reducing the lateral bending of the path chain .

  16. 随着深井和稠油井的发展,长冲程的链条抽油机越来越受到重视,为提高经济效益对其进行结构优化设计是石油生产的需要。

    With the development of deep wells and viscous crude oil wells , a greatly increasing attention is being paid tO the chain-driving pumping units with long stroke length .

  17. 在链条抽油机机架制造过程中,为减少机架焊接变形,消除机架焊接完成后的残余应力,保证机架的尺寸的稳定性,在制定合理的焊接工艺的同时,采用了振动时效的工艺措施。

    In the course of building the chain-drive pumping unit frame , to reduce welding deformation and remove residual stress , a reasonable welding process and the vibrational stress removal technology are used .

  18. 新型链条抽油机采用链条轨来代替传统抽油机连杆的硬连接以满足大冲程的工作要求。

    Many idler pulleys are adopted in the structure of the new type chain pumping unit instead of girder pole in traditional connection mode , which can achieve a long stroke at work .

  19. 对链条抽油机用悬重钢丝绳失效原因进行了分析,认为服役于载荷、疲劳、磨损、腐蚀工况下的悬重钢丝绳,其失效模式为断裂,绳断后破坏性极大。

    Abstract Failure analysis is conducted on suspension wire ropes specialized for chain drive pumping units , and it is concluded that their failure mode is fracture , which is of great damage to chain drive pumping units .

  20. 在分析气平衡链条抽油机的使用性能之后,提出了改气平衡系统为重力平衡系统等一系列改造措施,先后改造了202台现有气平衡链条抽油机。

    After an analysis of the service performance of air balanced chain drive pumping units , measures were taken for changing the air balancing mechanism to weight balancing mechanism . And 202 air balanced chain drive pumping units were modified .

  21. 在功效评价系数体系基础上,结合模糊灰元概念,对测算链条抽油机钢丝绳风险,首次提出了一种新颖的方法,称其为模糊灰元风险分析。

    Based on the function evaluation coefficient system , combined with the concepts of fuzzy grey element , a new method is first proposed for calculating the risk of the rope of chain well pumping unit , which is called the fuzzy grey element risk analysis .

  22. 该机采用曲柄滑块机构换向,运动平稳,相关机件与普通链条式抽油机相比有较好的受力状态;

    Adoped crank crossed reverse mechanism , it moves steadily , and the stress of its correlative mechanism is better than the ordinary pumping unit .

  23. 销轴换向链条式长冲程抽油机结构设计

    Structure Design of Long-Stroke Chain-Type Pumping Unit with Axis Reversing

  24. 挂钩换向链条驱动长冲程抽油机原理

    Hook - reverse and chain - drive pumping unit