
  • 网络Alternaria;Alternaria Nees;Alternaria alternata
  1. 就链格孢属(Alternaria)真菌中产生的9种寄主选择性植物毒性、作用机理及应用研究等方面进行综述和评论。

    The toxicity to plants , mechanism and application of nine host-specific toxins from Alternaria alternata are summarized in this paper .

  2. 链格孢属真菌现代分类方法研究

    The Methodological Study on Taxonomy of the Genus Alternaria Nees

  3. 我国部分区域链格孢属rDNAITS区序列分析

    Sequence Analysis of ITS Region of rDNA of Alternaria Nees from Some Areas of China

  4. 链格孢属(AlternariaNees)是全球分布最广,经济上重要的半知菌类真菌之一。

    The genus Alternaria Nees is a kind of imperfect fungi that is cosmopolitan and economically important .

  5. 我国部分区域链格孢属(AlternariaNees)真菌的资源调查与形态和分子鉴定研究

    Studies on Investigation and Morphologic and Molecular Identification of the Genus Alternaria Nees from Some Areas of China

  6. 此外还分离到14株链格孢属真菌和17株未知真菌。

    Moreover , fourteen Alternaria fungi and seventeen undetermined fungi were also harvested in this assay .

  7. 中国菊科植物上链格孢属真菌的种

    Alternaria Species on Compositae in China

  8. 链格孢属真菌对农作物的危害杨叶枯病菌:细链格孢[Alternariatenuis]的研究

    The danger of Alternaria to the crops study on the pathogenic fungus ( Alternaria tenuis nees ) of poplar leaf-blight

  9. 特应性定义为对螨类、链格孢属、分子孢子菌属、草、桦木、墙草属、橄榄或豚草属皮肤划痕实验阳性。

    Atopy was defined as a positive skin-prick test to mites , cat , Alternaria , Cladosporium , grass , birch , Parietaria , olive , or ragweed .

  10. 本试验从野外发病植物小蓟上得到4种致病菌,筛选出致病力最强且对作物安全的一种菌株,初步鉴定属于链格孢属。

    Four kinds of pathogens were found in wild inoculated thistle , then selected the most pathogenic strain on crop safety . Preliminary identification , it belong to Alternaria .