
yóu ruò
  • be just/almost like;be tantamount to
犹若 [yóu ruò]
  • [still] 还仍然是

  • 虽人弗损益,犹若不可得而法。--《吕氏春秋.察今》

  1. 美,不过一瞬,犹若那个浅浅的酒窝。

    Beauty can just stay a moment , like that shallow dimple .

  2. 歌声很清脆犹若百灵的翅膀带落的一滴晨露

    The singing is clear , just like a drop

  3. 伴着犹若掌声雷动的暴雨

    And the rain sounds like a round of applause

  4. 此情此景,犹若乘机飞离海岸,恰与电影明星邻座。

    Like having a film star next to you on your flight from the Coast .