
  • 网络A History of the Jews
  1. 这些诗篇,都是在国家的性质和涉及广泛的分离时期,犹太人的历史。

    These psalms are all national in character and pertain to widely-separated periods of Jewish history .

  2. 第一章分析了俄苏犹太人的历史概括以及犹太移民问题的形成。

    The first chapter analyses the history generalization of jewry in Soviet and the forming of this issue .

  3. 摘要随着十月革命的胜利,俄国犹太人的历史掀开了新的一页。

    The history of Russian Jews had opened a new chapter since the victory of the Russian October revolution .

  4. 司提反就从犹太人的历史讲起,讲到神怎样召了他们的祖宗亚伯拉罕。

    Stephen began far back in the history of the Jewish people and reminded them about how God had called Abraham , the father of the Jewish nation .

  5. 犹太人独特的历史及其非同寻常的建国之路给以色列民族国家打上了深深的烙印,使其民族国家构建既具有典型性,又具有特殊性。

    The special history of Jews and the extraordinary road of its country-building have a huge impact on Israel nation-building .

  6. 此后犹太人和犹太教的历史基本上就是犹大支派的历史。

    The history of Judah from that time forward is the history of the Jews and Judaism .

  7. 通过对文化母题的运用,马拉默德使读者更深刻地了解了犹太人的文化和历史;

    The use of cultural motifs makes it easy for the reader to gain a complete apprehension of Jewish history and culture .

  8. 他称美国和以色列的联盟是不可分割的,并且说犹太人无家可归的悲痛历史,是不可否认的。

    He called America 's bond with Israel " unbreakable " and said the tragic history that led to a Jewish homeland cannot be denied .

  9. 中国人民和犹太人的友好交往历史悠久,这为两国发展友好关系奠定了坚实的基础。

    The friendly contacts between Chinese and Jews have been very long , which has laid a solid foundation for cooperation between China and Israel .

  10. 希伯来法与犹太人的宗教、历史、文化紧密融合,是古代东方法律文化的集大成者。

    The Hebrew Law , with the Jewish religion , history , and culture closely integrated , was the ancient master of the East in the legal culture .

  11. 对犹太人在哈尔滨的历史活动分期的划分,也应着眼于历史过程的大趋势和内在的逻辑联系。

    Dividing the periods of the historical activity the Jews in Harbin , it should have the big tendency of the historical course and the inner logical links in mind .

  12. 反犹主义在欧洲基督教世界是一种普遍性的反对犹太人及犹太教的历史现象。反犹主义运动也一直伴随着犹太人的美国移民史。

    Anti-semitism was a common historical phenomenon in the European Christian world which was against the Jews and Judaism , however , it accompanied the Jewish immigration history to the US .

  13. 16雅各的兄弟犹大,和以后出卖主的加略人犹大。此后犹太人和犹太教的历史基本上就是犹大支派的历史。

    And Judas the brother of James , and Judas Iscariot , who became the traitor . The history of Judah from that time forward is the history of the Jews and Judaism .

  14. 在这本畅销书,卡希尔列出,以证明在我们生活的世界和我们所做的一切,并认为,据称是一个对犹太人的“革命历史的结果”。

    In this bestselling book , Cahill sets out to show that the world we live in and everything we do and think , is purportedly a result of the Jewish " revolution " in history .

  15. 他的作品关注美国社会的一些普遍问题,受难成为他作品的主题,犹太人长期被流放的历史使受难更具有特殊的意义。

    He devotes his attention in his fictions to the problems of American society with a strong sense of Jewishness .

  16. 在历史的对比中,作者发现黑人和犹太人有着相似的历史经历:都曾有过被奴役的历史和在美国现实生活中所遭受的不平等。

    In the historical comparison , the author finds some similar historical experience : enslavement history and encountering some discrimination in American realistic social life .