
  1. 使用啤酒香波也可以增加头发的光泽。

    Use a beer shampoo to add shine to your hair .

  2. 这种洗发精比任何一种别的牌子更能增加你头发的光泽。

    This shampoo adds more luster to your hair than any other brand .

  3. 它们开始堆积,使头发的光泽和色调变得暗哑。

    They begin to build up and dull the shine and tone of our hair .

  4. 先用护发素再用洗发水,不仅让头发更光泽,还避免了护发素残余导致头发小卷曲;

    Not only did it leave hair shinier , it helped combat frizz caused when particles of dirt stick to the residual product .

  5. 即便你想留长发,定期修剪也很重要,这能使头发保持光泽健康。

    Even if you 're trying to grow out your hair , regular trims are important to keep your hair looking and feeling healthy .

  6. 核桃就含有丰富的欧米茄-3,可以使头发有光泽,皮肤变的光滑,人也看起来年轻。

    Walnuts are a rich source of Omega-3s , which help put shine in your hair and aid in making skin smoother and younger looking .

  7. 发胶使你的头发有了光泽。

    The gel gives your hair a gloss .

  8. 她的头发失去了光泽。

    Her hair had lost its lustre .

  9. 头发上有光泽的浅色.各色丙烯酸有光涂料

    Bright tint in the hair various colors acrylic gloss coating

  10. 他的头发灰暗没有光泽。灯发出暗淡的亮光。

    His hair was pale and lightless . The lamp threw out a dim light .

  11. 他的头发灰暗没有光泽。

    His hair was pale and lightless .

  12. 太阳使蜡烛光暗淡。他的头发灰暗没有光泽。

    The sun dimmed the light of the candle . His hair was pale and lightless .

  13. 头发的自然光泽来自它自身的护发素:油脂,它含有蜡和脂肪,还含有抗感染的自然抗菌剂。

    Hair 's natural shine is supplied by its own conditioner , sebum , an oil composed of waxes and fats and also containing a natural antiseptic that helps fight infection .

  14. 头发枯黄、无光泽预示缺铁和缺乏维生素B。

    Hair is withered and yellow , lusterless forebode incomplete iron and be short of vitamin B.

  15. 例句她的头发发出美丽的光泽家具上美丽的光泽

    Her hair had a beautiful sheen . a nice sheen on the furniture

  16. 她的头发发出美丽的光泽。

    Her hair had a beautiful sheen .

  17. 她头发上的美丽光泽

    A lovely gloss on her hair

  18. 用冷水清洗头发,获得更加光泽的效果。

    Drench hair in cold water as a final rinse to lock in body and shine .

  19. 缺少蛋白质或者铁元素都会让你的头发慢慢的失去光泽,生活中的压力也会导致这种现象。

    Lack of protein and iron can secretly for your hair of its shiny beauty , and so can the stress in your life .

  20. 是的,这也许并不能帮助你保持头发的造型和光泽,尤其是在使用过量的时候。

    Yes , the thought of maintaining its shape and shine would not help , especially if an exaggerated amount is being damped into hair .

  21. 当然,孕激素使你对午餐失去胃口,北京植发医院但是你可能注意到它们也是你头发变得浓密有光泽的原因。

    Sure , the hormones of pregnancy can make you lose your lunch , but they are also the cause behind the thick , lustrous hair you 'll probably notice if you 're expecting .

  22. 货比三家的最好的产品,能够正确对待你的头发和帮助你的头发健康和光泽。

    Shop around for the best product that can treat your hair right and help you get healthy and lustrous hair .

  23. 健康的女性拥有的是一头有光泽亮丽的头发,而病弱的人的头发没有光泽。

    Healthy women have lustrous , shiny hair , whereas the hair of sickly people loses its luster .

  24. 当你把洗发水倒在头发上时,它会洗掉你头发的自然光泽。

    It washes away the natural shine the moment that you put on shampoo into your hair .

  25. 当你把洗发水倒在头发上时,它会洗掉你头发的自然光泽。这就是为什么用洗发水洗完头后必须要用护发素。

    It washes away the natural shine the moment that you put on shampoo into your hair . This is the reason why conditioners must be applied after shampooing your hair .

  26. 洗完澡以后又要用上不止一种化学产品,可能是两种甚至更多,比如造型啫喱、头发柔顺精华等等。是的,这也许并不能帮助你保持头发的造型和光泽,尤其是在使用过量的时候。

    After taking a bath , chemicals will beput on not just one , but two or more hair products such as styling gel , anti-hair frizz , and others.Yes , the thought of maintaining its shape and shine would not help , especially if an exaggeratedamount is being damped into hair .

  27. 我像以往一样吹干头发,马上就注意到了与以往不一样的地方:我的头发比平时要光泽得多嘛!

    I blow-dried it as normal and immediately noticed a difference . My hair definitely looked shinier than normal .

  28. 最后用冷水冲净头发,这样做是为了刺激和收紧头皮的毛孔,强健发丝纤维,减少脆弱的头发,使头发更加有光泽与饱满。

    Finish with a cool-water rinse , which is not only stimulating but also helps tighten scalp pores , firm hair fibers , reduce hair limpness , and increase sheen and body .