
  • 网络Human urine;hEGF
  1. 老年人尿11-脱氢血栓素B2和阿司匹林抵抗的相关性研究

    Correlation study of urinary 11-dehydro-thromboxane B_2 and aspirin resistance in elderly patients

  2. HPLC法测定人尿中丝裂霉素C的含量

    Determination of Mitomycin C in Urine by HPLC

  3. HPLC同时测定人尿中假尿苷次黄嘌呤含量

    Determination on Concentration of Pseudouridine and Hypoxanthine in Human Serum by HPLC

  4. 人尿中几种雄激素及蛋白同化激素的HPLC测定

    Determination of some androgens and anabolic steroids in human urine by HPLC

  5. 柱切换HPLC法直接测定人尿中咖啡因的含量

    Determination of Caffeine in Human Urine by Column Switching HPLC

  6. ELISA竞争法测定人尿金属硫蛋白的初步应用

    Preliminary Application of Competitive ELISA on Measuring Urinary Metallothionein in Humans

  7. 人尿中环丁甲羟氢吗啡及其代谢物的GC/MS分析研究

    Analysis of Nalbuphine and Its Metabolite in Human Urine by GC / MS

  8. HPLC法测定人尿中苯妥因及其代谢产物4′&羟基苯妥因

    HPLC Method for Determination of Phenytoin and its Metabolite 4 ' - Hydroxyphenytoin in Human Urine

  9. 对HPLC分离及定量测定人尿中雄激素及蛋白同化激素的方法进行了初步研究。

    A simple method for determining androgens and anabolic steroids in human urine by HPLC has been developed .

  10. 自制的人尿红细胞生成素活力测定Ⅰ、多血小鼠红细胞~(59)Fe掺入法

    Bioassay of erythropoietin activity in human urine ~ ( 59 ) fe incorporation rate in red cells of polycythemic mice

  11. 人尿中避孕药炔诺酮代谢物的GC-MS分析

    The Analysis of Human Urine Metabolites of the Contraceptive Drug Norethisterone by GC-MS

  12. 人尿β2m酶联免疫抑制试验及其初步临床应用

    Inhibition enzyme immunoassay in human urine and its preliminary clinical application

  13. 人尿中IgG的时间分辨荧光免疫分析法&以铕标记链亲和素作为标记物

    A Time-resolved Fluoroimmunoassay for Determination of Human Immunoglobulin ( IgG ) in Urine-Streptavidin-Eu (ⅲ) as a label in immunoassay

  14. 用GC-MS方法分析了人尿中的曲马多及其代谢产物。

    A G-C-MS method for the analysis of tramadol and its four metabolites in human urine is described .

  15. 目的探讨Toll样受体(Toll-likereceptor,TLR)2和4在人尿路上皮细胞中的表达情况。

    Objective To study the mRNA expression of Toll-like receptor ( TLR ) 2 and 4 in human urinary tract epithelium .

  16. 对NBSSRM2670冻干人尿标准物质的测定结果表明,各方法具有良好的精密度。

    The determination result of NBS SRM 2670 showed that these methods had good accuracy and precision .

  17. 用人尿来源经纯化的M-CSF免疫家兔制备抗M-CSF物异性抗体。

    Human M-CSF was purified from fresh human urine and applied to immunize rabbits .

  18. 检测人尿诱变性方法的建立&尿诱导人外周血淋巴细胞SCE频率

    A Sensitive , Simple and Economical Bioassay for Detecting Mutagenicity in Human Urine by Determination of SCE Frequency in Cultured Peripheral Lymphocytes

  19. 方法采用ELISA方法测定60例不同阶段CRF患者和16例正常人尿TGF-β1水平。

    Methods The urinary levels of TGF - β _1 were examined by ELISA method in 60 patients with CRF , as well as 16 health controls were examined .

  20. 本文还建立了使用高效液相色谱分析人尿中核苷的方法,并探索了使用LC/MS/MS对液相色谱分离组份进行定性分析的方法。

    Meanwhile , HPLC method was also established to analyze the normal and modified nucleosides in human urine . Furthermore , LC / MS / MS method was employed in identifications of fractions from LC separation .

  21. ACN现场工人的尿样经高效液相色谱质谱联机(HPLCMS)分离鉴定,确证尿中巯基尿酸结构为CEMA。正常人尿中未检出该化合物。

    The structure of metabolites in the urine from workers exposed to acrylonitrile was identified as CEMA by high performance liquid chromatography mass ( HPLC MS ) .

  22. [方法]采用干化学分析仪检测和尿液显微镜红细胞计数,观察180例正常人尿标本加入正常人血标本后,不同pH值,不同时间内,观察红细胞溶解情况。

    [ Methods ] The dry chemistry analyzer and microscope was applied to count the number of RBC , and the Urine RBC in 180 examples was measured in different pH and different time to find the situation of RBC dissolve .

  23. 方法应用端粒酶活性PCRELISA法和细胞学方法对53例膀胱癌、26例良性膀胱疾病和17例正常人尿脱落细胞进行检测,并对2种方法检测的阳性率以及病理检查结果进行比较。

    Methods The samples of exfoliated cells in urine from 53 bladder carcinoma , 26 non neoplastic bladder lesions and 17 normal volunteers were detected by Polymerase chain reaction Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ( PCR ELISA ) for telomerase activity .

  24. 用聚氨脂海绵对人尿内17-酮类固醇(17-KS)和17-羟皮质类固醇(17-OHCS)进行分离和富集。

    Using foam rubber 17-ketosteroid ( 17-KS ) and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid ( 17-OHCS ) were separated and collected in urine .

  25. 来源于RSP-2·P3细胞系与人尿的集落刺激因子生物学特性的比较研究

    Comparative studies on the biological properties of colony stimulating factors from rsp-2 · p3 cells and human urine

  26. 结论人尿路上皮细胞中TLR2和TLR4均有表达,尿路感染致病菌分布量可能与TLR亚型表达情况有关。

    Conclusion That TLR2 and TLR4 both expressed in human urinary tract epithelium is probably associated with the distribution of uropathogenic bacteria .

  27. 目的:建立高效液相色谱-电化学检测法(HPLC-ECD)测定人尿中8-羟基脱氧鸟嘌呤核苷(8-OHdG)的检测方法。

    Objective : To establish a HPLC-ECD method to measure 8-oxo-deoxyguanosine ( 8-OHdG ) in human urine .

  28. 气相色谱与高分辨质谱联用(GC-HRMS)检测人尿中低浓度的甾体兴奋剂

    The Determination of Doping in Human Urine by GC-HRMS

  29. 目的开发一种快速检测人尿中诺氟沙星(Norf)的分析法。

    AIM To develop a rapid assay of Norf in human urine .

  30. 方法:采用ELISH法测定27例系统性红斑狼疮患者及30名健康人尿α1-微球蛋白、微量白蛋白和转铁蛋白、尿IgG。

    Method : employing ELISH technique assay urine α 1-microglobulin and urine trace albumin and transferring and urine IgG in 27 systemic lupus erythematosus patien and 30 health .