
rén shì jú
  • personnel bureau;Bureau of Personnel
  1. 该项目已在平顶山市人事局的实际工作中得到应用,有力的促进了平顶山市的信息化建设。

    The project has already been used in the practical work of Bureau of Personnel , which has effectively promoted the information construction .

  2. 北京市人事局副局长张祖德说,政府将通过网络帮助大学毕业生获取就业市场的详细信息。

    Zhang Zude is Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Personnel . He says the government will take advantage of the Internet to better help college graduates get detailed information about the job market .

  3. NET可以开发出安全高效的WEB应用系统,已经成功应用在武汉市人事局信息化系统中。

    A successful case has been applied to the Information System in Personnel Bureau of Wuhan .

  4. 广州市人事局电子政务系统中的CA就是建立在OPENSSL基础之上的小型认证机构。

    The CA of Guangzhou Personnel Bureau Electronic Government Affair System is a minitype Certificate Authority building on the base of OPENSSL .

  5. 如果是那就去教育局,如果不是那就去人事局!

    If is that goes to Bureau of Education , if is not that goes to the personnel bureau !

  6. 2011年6月26日,上海市人事局人才信息交流中心主任封国庆来我公司考察。

    On Jun26,2011 , Guoqing Feng , the director of Shanghai Talent Exchange Information Service Center , visited Zhongjia .

  7. 人事局引进国外智力办公室具体负责留学人员的资格审定;

    The Foreign Intellect Introduction Office under the Personnel Bureau shall be in charge of the concrete examination of the qualifications of returned students .

  8. 系统满足了高密市人事局组织人事工作需要,并且在安全性、稳定性和网络化程度上均满足了需求。

    The system meets the needs of organizational personnel management of Personnel Bureau directly and satisfies the requirements on safety , stability and network application .

  9. 本系统是就是针对冠县人事局每年的招考工作开发的网上报名管理系统。

    We research this application internet system in order to improve the annual recruitment and examination work for the government of personnel of Guan County .

  10. 与重庆市人事局共同出台了《重庆市专利专业人员资格考试试行办法》。

    Moreover , the Chongqing IPR Office and Chongqing Personnel Bureau signed the Rules for Qualification Examination of Patent practitioners in Chongqing ( for trial implementation ) .

  11. 潍坊市人事局要求该局每位官员的力和关系今年帮助三位毕业生就业。

    The personnel bureau in Weifang ordered every official in the bureau to use their influence and connections to help at least three university graduates this year .

  12. 上海市人事局(以下简称市人事局)主管本市的引进人才工作,负责本规定的组织实施。

    Shanghai Municipal Personnel Bureau ( hereinafter referred to as MPB ) is in charge of the recruitment of talented personnel and responsible for the implementation of these Provisions .

  13. 区、县人事局在市人事局的指导下,负责本行政区域内的人才流动工作。

    Under the guidance of the Municipal Personnel Bureau , district ( county ) personnel bureaus are in charge of the flow of talented personnel within their respective administrative areas .

  14. 本文依据上海市人事局、《中国统计年鉴》、《中国教育年鉴》公布的相关资料,对海外人才的回流规模进行了预测。

    Based on the information from Shanghai personnel Bureau , China Statistical Yearbook , China Education Yearbook , the paper predicts the future volume of overseas talents flowing back to shanghai .

  15. 下周日,市人事局在人民公园举办科技人才交流专场,请欲参加者带好证件、证书与简历来交流。

    A special fair for exchange of sci-tech talents will Be held By the Municipality 's Personnel Bureau at People 's Park this coming Sunday . Please Bring your credentials , diplomas and resume with you if you wish to attend .

  16. 它的主要目标是支持高密市人事局的人事管理与工资管理的业务,减轻处理人员的劳动强度,辅助高层领导决策,提高人事局的工作效率。

    The main goal is to support the personnel management and payment management of the Gao Mi city Personnel Bureau , alleviate the labor intension of workers , help the management of enterprises and make the decision of high-class leaders , increase the efficient of enterprises .

  17. 位于华盛顿的美国人事管理局(OfficeofPersonnelManagement)表示,网络黑客窃取了数百万联邦雇员的资料。

    The Washington-based Office of Personnel Management said cyber hackers had taken data on millions of federal employees .

  18. JohnBerry是联邦人事管理局局长,负责监督联邦政府的退休和医疗计划。

    John Berry is director of the federal Office of Personnel Management which supervises federal retirement and health plans .

  19. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)上周晚些时候表示,它正在调查美国人事管理局(OfficeofPersonnelManagement,简称:OPM)遭侵入的事件。这起事件可能影响到多达400万现任和前任联邦雇员。

    The FBI said late last week that it was investigating the breach at the Office of Personnel Management that may have affected up to 4m current and former federal employees .

  20. 他把上周宣布、但4月份就已发现的美国人事管理局遭侵入事件,与之前针对该局的网络攻击、以及早先针对Anthem(面向政府雇员的医保提供商)和两家背景调查承包商的攻击联系起来。

    He linked the OPM incident - announced last week but discovered in April - to a previous cyber attack on the same organisation , as well as to earlier attacks on Anthem , a provider of health insurance for government employees , and on two background check contractors .

  21. 人事管理局拥有几乎所有美国联邦机构在职雇员的个人档案。

    OPM has personnel files on employees working at nearly every federal agency .

  22. 去查一下人事管理局是往哪里寄他的退休金的。

    Find out where OPM mails his retirement checks .

  23. 人事管理局:1979年成立。局长-詹姆斯金。

    Office of personnel management : f.1979 ; dir . - james b.king .

  24. 人事管理局/报酬总数比较

    Office of Personnel Management / Total Compensation Comparison

  25. 知情人士称,中国境内的黑客被怀疑要对这起针对美国人事管理局的攻击负责。该局保管着联邦政府各部门雇员的人事档案。

    People familiar with the matter said hackers in China were suspected of being responsible for the attack on the agency which has files on employees working across the federal government .

  26. 美国人事管理局表示,它过去一年已采取“积极努力”升级网络安全,但涉案的侵入行为发生在采取这些更严格控制措施之前。

    The OPM said it had made " an aggressive effort " to update its cyber security in the last year but the intrusion predated the adoption of these tougher controls .

  27. 人事管理局是政府雇员的中央资料库,无论其是一名美国大使、一名三星级将军,还是一名在内华达州为陆军操纵无人机的单身年轻人,他说。

    The OPM is the central repository for information on a US ambassador or a three-star general or a single kid in Nevada flying a drone for the army , he said .

  28. 据《纽约时报》报道,今年初中国黑客入侵了隶属于联邦人事管理局的电脑网络。

    According to reports by the New York Times , hackers believed to be based in China earlier this year were apparently able to access computer networks belonging to the office of personnel management .

  29. 他表示,美国人事管理局受到频繁的攻击,是因为它掌握着所有政府雇员的档案,但对间谍威胁的意识却很可能不如美国国防部、联邦调查局或各情报机构。

    The OPM has been a frequent target , he said , because it has access to every employee and probably has a worse understanding of the counterintelligence threat than a department like defence , the FBI or the intelligence agencies .