
  • 网络Landscape engineering;garden engineering
  1. AUTOCAD交互式园林工程概预算系统研究

    System Research on Auto CAD Interactive Pre-budgeting of Landscape Engineering

  2. 图纸空间出图是园林工程设计图CAD出图实际运用中最广泛的方法。

    Plotting via paper space is a widely used method in Auto CAD plotting of landscape engineering design drawing .

  3. ISO质量管理体系在园林工程中的实践&PDCA循环在园林工程施工阶段的运用

    Apply ISO quality management system in the landscape project & apply PDCA circle into the landscape project construct control

  4. 本文结合广州大学城华工校区绿化二期工程实践,对将PDCA理论运用在园林工程施工管理上进行了初步探索,希望能为ISO在园林行业的应用起到参考和推动作用。

    The article using the second phased campus landscape project of South China University of Technology in Guangzhou-University-city as an example , tentative apply the PDCA theory into the landscape project construct control .

  5. 浅议设计阶段对园林工程造价的有效控制

    Analysis on the Effective Budget Control of Landscaping in Design Phases

  6. 论园林工程施工项目经理在项目管理中的作用

    The Role of Project Manager in Project Management of Garden Construction

  7. 浅谈园林工程中大树移植的施工与管理

    On the construction and management of transplanting big trees in garden engineering

  8. 仿古建筑及园林工程预结算软件系统研制开发

    Development of Budget Software for Pseudoclassic Architecture & Landscape Engineering

  9. 园林工程中大树移植技术的探讨与实践

    Discussion on Transplanting Techniques of Big Trees in Landscape Project

  10. 《园林工程制图》课程教材的若干问题

    Several Problems on the Teaching Material of Engineering Drawing for Landscape Garden

  11. 基于工作过程的高职园林工程课程方案设计

    Higher vocational curriculum program design on Landscape Garden Project based on working process

  12. 天马河国际公馆岛屿园林工程项目成本管理研究

    Research on Landscape Engineering Project Cost Management of Tianma River International Residence Island

  13. 古建筑木结构保护技术在现代园林工程中的应用

    Application of Timber Structure Conservation Technology of Ancient Building in Modern Garden Engineering

  14. 新时期《园林工程》课程教学改革的探索与实践

    Practice and Exploration of the Teaching Reform of Garden Engineering in the New Times

  15. 水与园林工程的待效期

    Water and the Waiting-for-Effect Period of Landscape Project

  16. 高职园林工程技术专业设置及人才培养方案的研究

    Major Setting and Personnel Training Program of Landscape Engineering Technology of Higher Vocational Education

  17. 浅谈园林工程中的新型人造石

    A Review on Artificial Stones for Garden Construction

  18. 浅议高职《园林工程制图》课程的教学改革

    Discussion on the Education Reform of the Park Engineering Graphics Curriculum in High Vocational Education

  19. 在这种大背景下,中小规模的园林工程企业迅速的发展起来。

    Under this background , the small and medium-sized horticultural construction enterprises have been developing rapidly .

  20. 投标报价是一个斗智的过程,园林工程项目也不例外。

    Bidding is a battle of wits , and landscape engineering projects make no exceptions as well .

  21. 园林工程建设苗木的政府采购园林工程施工管理的探讨

    Government Purchasing of Nursery Stock in Landscape Engineering Probe into the Construction Management of the Landscape Engineering

  22. 创造适宜和谐的生态住宅小区&以东莞蓝山锦湾一期园林工程建设为例

    Creation of an Ecological Residential District & An Experience of Dongguan Blue Mountain Landscape Architecture Construction Project

  23. 施工组织设计是园林工程建设过程中技术与经济性的文件。

    The construction organization and design refer to the technical and economic documents during the landscape project construction .

  24. 结合多年教学实践,对园林工程专业园林建筑结构教学内容体系中存在的问题提出了看法,并进行了教学研究与实践。

    Teaching content system on architectural structure in garden is researched and practiced after question brought out in this paper .

  25. 结合个人的工作经验,对园林工程施工过程中存在的一些问题进行分析和探讨,并提出相应的解决措施。

    Analysis is made of some problems in landscape project construction process based on work experience , and countermeasures are put forward .

  26. 传统的苗圃是以提供园林工程绿化生产用苗为目的的,经营模式单一。

    The traditional nursery , which used to provide for the production of green seedling as the goal , had a single operation form .

  27. 城市建设正在向生态、绿色、环保型发展,园林工程作为环境建设越来越重要的组成部分,并逐步走向市场化,特别是政府投资建设的园林工程项目,其管理过程提出了较高的要求。

    Urban construction are developing to ecological , green , environmental , and garden project works as an increasingly important of environment component and the gradual market-oriented .

  28. 园林工程是一门实践性很强的学科,实践教学的模式合理与否,对学生专业技能的掌握程度影响巨大。

    The garden engineering is a subject with very strong practicality , the mode of practising teaching has great influence for students on mastering professional technical skill .

  29. 利用园林工程中的喷灌技术治理港口货场的扬尘污染,经过不断试验和改进,取得了初步成效。

    Using the spray-irrigation method of landscape engineering to control dust-pollution in port ′ s cargo storage yard has obtained some preliminary results following continual experiment and improvement .

  30. 绿化设计不仅关系着园林工程的功能和美观,在一定程度上也影响着植物病虫害的发生和发展。

    The garden designing is not only relate to the function and beauty of garden constructing but also influence the occuring and development of plant diseases and insect pests .