
  • 网络talent evaluation;personnel evaluation
  1. 本文总结了人才评价与技能鉴定E化平台建设的经验,为人才评价与技能鉴定工作提供标准化、规范化的信息支撑系统。

    This paper summarizes the construction experience of E platform of talent evaluation and skills identification , provide standardized information support systems for Talent evaluation and skills identification .

  2. 本文以卫生行业人才评价为背景,主要研究如何在J2EE平台上实现专业人才评价的全过程应用。

    The paper covers a complete application process of professional talent evaluation on J2EE platform for a health professional evaluation project in which iteration and increment are utilized .

  3. INTERNET的出现和普及,为建立科学而先进的网上综合人才评价系统,起到了关键性的推动作用。

    Appearanc of INTERNET and its application have promoted critically in establishing advanced and scientific synthetic system of personnel evaluation through the NET .

  4. 基于ANP的物流人才评价指标体系研究

    Research on evaluation index system of logistics talents based on ANP

  5. 基于AHP的物流管理人才评价选择模型

    The Model of Evaluating and Selecting Person with Ability in Logistics Management Based on Analysis of Hierarchy Process

  6. 由于信息不足或方案不够完善,专家对方案的相对重要性的判断往往具有模糊性。基于正闭区间数来表达模糊判断,文章讨论了模糊AHP法的有关理论,并给出了其在人才评价中的应用

    Due to lack of enough information or scheme experts judgement on relative importance is fuzzy Based on interval number of plus and close expressing fuzzy judgement , this paper discusses the theory about fuzzy AHP Finally , application of it in estimation of persons with ability is given

  7. 数学方法在人才评价风险规避中的应用

    Math Methods at Talent Evaluation of the Application of Risk Aversion

  8. 山西省民营企业人才评价与激励机制

    The Talent Evaluating and Stimulating Mechanism of Shanxi 's Private Enterprises

  9. 构建科学的高校人才评价机制的策略

    Strategies of Establishing a Scientific Talents Evaluation Mechanism in Universities

  10. 完善考评结合和人才评价制度;

    Perfecting the system of combining examination and appraisal and personnel assessment ;

  11. 人才评价平台中轻量级工作流引擎的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of MiniFlow Engine in Talent Evaluation Platform

  12. 二是形成科学的人才评价和使用机制;

    The second is to form scientific concept of latent and useful mechanism .

  13. 基于指标聚类的石化企业职业技术人才评价

    Evaluation of Occupational Skill Talent in Petrochemical Enterprise Based on Index Clustering Analysis

  14. 高校创新性人才评价决策系统的分析与设计

    Application of the Decision Support System in Evaluation of Innovative Talents in Universities

  15. 审计人才评价与分级的能力模型:一项探索性研究

    A Competence Model for Auditors Talent Evaluation and Grading : An Exploratory Study

  16. 改革人才评价体系培养大学生的创新能力

    Reforming the Evaluation System and Fostering the Ability of Innovation for the College Students

  17. 在新的人才评价指标中,信息素养将会占有相当大的权重。

    Information literacy takes a great proportion in the new talents ' valuation target .

  18. 人才评价计算机管理研究

    Study on computerized management of talent evaluation

  19. 铁路运输企业高技能人才评价指标体系研究

    A Study of the Indexes System of Evaluation on High-Skilled Talents in Railway Transport Form

  20. 基于胜任力模型的人才评价方法研究

    Research on competency-model-based method of talent evaluation

  21. 科技人才评价维度与方法进展

    Research on the progress of the evaluating dimension and method of S & T talents

  22. 基于知识军事的高素质军事人才评价模型研究

    Study of an Evaluation Model for Highly Qualified Military Personnel Based on Knowledge-Based Military Affairs

  23. 并在此基础上,提出了数学方法在人才评价风险规避中的警示。

    And the proposed method in math talent in the evaluation of risk aversion warning .

  24. 建立职业资格制度,以使我国人才能与国际人才评价制度接轨;

    Set up career qualification system to make our talents match the international talent evaluation system ;

  25. 极大的提高了人才评价与技能鉴定工作的效率,取得了良好的效果。

    Greatly improves Talent evaluation and skills identification work with the efficiency and achieved good results .

  26. 我国科技人才评价指标体系和综合评价方法综述

    Review on index system and the method of evaluation for qualified scientists and technicians in our country

  27. 分析了高校创新性人才评价决策系统并介绍了方案的初步设计。

    The development of a Decioion Support System in evaluation of innovative talents in Universities is introduced .

  28. 但是人才评价又是一个十分复杂的过程,需要综合考虑人各方面的因素。

    But talent appraisal is a very complex process that needs to consider various aspects of people synthetically .

  29. 人才评价、选拔和配置是团队创建和运作的关键,多学科科技创新团队对人才素质的需求具有其特殊性。

    It is important for a multidisciplinary technology innovation team to evaluate and collocate the talents forits requirement .

  30. 在人才评价领域中,数量关系同样起着相当重要的作用。

    At the field of talent evaluation , the relationship between the quantity plays the same important role .