
  1. 数学集合在人力资源评价中的应用

    The application of muster theory in the evaluation of stuff

  2. 人力资源评价指标体系与模糊判断

    Human resources evaluation index system and its fuzzy judgment

  3. 河北高校外语教师人力资源评价体系研究

    A Study of Human Resouces Evaluation System about Foreign Language Teachers in Universities in Hebei

  4. 研究了面向职业发展的企业人力资源评价基本理论。

    Studied the basic theory of the enterprise appraisement of human resource facing the professional development .

  5. 基于模糊逻辑的人力资源评价指标体系在旅游管理中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Human Resource Evaluation Index System Based on Fuzzy Logics in Tourism Management

  6. 股票期权制度,能将经营者的人力资源评价与公司动态价值有机的联系起来,有效调动其积极性。

    Share option schemes could relate the evaluation of managers with performance of a company they generate .

  7. 目的探索国家或地区之间牙科人力资源评价和比较的客观方法。

    Objective The purpose of this investigation is to find out a method to evaluate dental manpower resources .

  8. 对用自然语言表示的企业人力资源评价信息合成方法与应用进行了研究,应用模糊综合评判方法建立了一个评价企业经营管理者基本素质的静态模型和基于模糊关系的工作分配算法模型;

    A general model of the enterprise , appraisement of human resource based on competent force has been established .

  9. 传统的人力资源评价方法简单直接,但过分依赖于人的主观判断与经验。

    Traditional evaluating methods of human resource are simple and direct , but they depend on people ′ s subjective judgement and experience .

  10. 员工配置以人力资源评价为基础,随机现象是人力资源评价面临的不确定信息之一。

    Evaluation of human resources is the foundation of employee setup , and random information is faced in the process of this evaluation .

  11. 本文按照职业发展观的思想提出基于比较排序的企业人力资源评价基本观点和基本理论。

    Based on profession development , the paper suggests the basic views and theory of human resource appraisement of an enterprise through comparison and taxis .

  12. 本文所进行的研究主要是应用信息技术处理企业人力资源评价的不确定性问题。

    The main study goal of this dissertation is to apply IT to dealing with the uncertainty problem of an enterprise appraisement of human resource .

  13. 这些研究结果对于深化企业人力资源评价理论研究和指导企业人力资源甄选实践奠定了良好的基础。

    These research results have established a good foundation for deepening the enterprise appraisement theoretical research and guidance enterprise human resource select practice . 2 .

  14. 其次对应用关联矩阵法进行人力资源评价的方式、方法及绩效考核的内容、方式进行了详细的介绍。

    Secondly , the way of the appraisement of human resource based on relation matrix method and the content of performance check are introduced in detail .

  15. 进行企业人力资源评价研究对于提高企业经济效益和人力资源的自身发展都具有积极意义。

    It has positive meaning both in raising enterprise economic benefits and developing human resource itself to carry out the research of enterprise appraisement of human resource .

  16. 为提高人力资源评价的合理性,将贝叶斯理论应用于员工配置过程,建立相应的优化模型。

    Aimed at improving the scientific level of human resources management , this paper applies Bayes theory in the course of employee setup , and builds one optimization model .

  17. 面向职业发展的企业人力资源评价观点是企业将符合工作要求且符合个人意愿的人挑选出来。

    The viewpoint of the enterprise appraisement of human resource of facing the professional development is to select the human resource " accord with what the working asks and what personal wishes " .

  18. 具体来讲,本文在以下五方面作了研究并取得了一些结果:1、研究了面向职业发展的企业人力资源评价基本理论。

    This paper has made researching work and has gotten some results at below five aspects : 1 . Studied the basic theory of the enterprise appraisement of human resource facing the professional development .

  19. 本文主要探讨在区域范围内的科技人力资源评价对象和评价体系,并对目前的科技人力资源政策进行了简要回顾并提出了相关建议。

    This article mainly discusses in the area of science and technology human resource evaluation objects and evaluation system , and makes a brief review and puts forward related suggestions to the current science and technology human resources policy .

  20. 根据系统性、科学严密性、简明精确性、突出重点及稳定可比性等原则,结合我国石油工业发展阶段和水平,设计了石油企业人力资源评价指标体系。

    Based on systematic , scientifically rigid , simple precise , focus-prominent and stably comparable concepts , and integrated with the development stage and level of petroleum industry in China , an indicator system for HR resources evaluation in petroleum enterprises is designed .

  21. 企业人力资源评价是一项多学科交叉的研究工作,它涉及心理学、社会学、经济学、管理学、数学和信息技术等领域,对于智能评价则还涉及人工智能理论和方法。

    The enterprise appraisement of human resource is an overlapping research work of much course , which is concerned with psychology , sociology , economics , management , mathematics and IT . For intelligent appraisement , the theory and method of artificial intelligence is still concerned .

  22. 基于贝叶斯网络的人力资源管理评价模型的研究

    Research on Human Resource Management Evaluation Model Based on Bayesian Network

  23. 人力资源岗位评价方法的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on the Method of Position Evaluation for Enterprise

  24. 建筑企业人力资源绩效评价体系的构建

    Constructing Performance Appraisal System of the Human Resources in Construction Enterprise

  25. 营口中理公司人力资源管理评价体系研究

    Research on Human Resource Evaluation System of Yingkou Tally Corporation

  26. 为下一步建立人力资源绩效评价体系打下基础。

    This lays the foundation for establishing performance evaluation system of human resources .

  27. 福建省科技创新人力资源综合评价研究

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Human Resources of Scientific and Technological Innovation in Fujian Province

  28. 我院开展核心人力资源绩效评价的战略思维

    Strategic thoughts on core human resources performance evaluation

  29. 区域人力资源开发评价指标体系的构建研究

    Research on Building Index System for Evaluating the Level of Regional Human Resources Development

  30. 区域人力资源质量评价

    Evaluation of the Quality of Regional Human Resource