
  1. 随意写答案吧,总能勾对几道吧。

    I 'll just mark the answer sheet randomly . I am bound to get some of the questions right .

  2. 一般的大街上的男人,如果要试图勾对一个女人的话,会集中的展示他自身的价值。

    The average guy on the street in an attempt to get women will focus and make apparent his VALUE .

  3. 你可能需要勾选点对点加密(MPEE)以建立连接。

    You might need to check the Use Point-to-Point Encryption ( MPEE ) to get connected .

  4. 第九章通过勾稽时事小说对史籍的影响、时事小说保存的独家史料来分析其史料价值。

    Chapter DC analyses the value of material of the Current Events Novels by exploring its influence on historical records and it reserving the only historical data .

  5. 知道了不同岁数太阳弧的长度,你就可以通过从头到尾查阅表单,然后勾出每一对行星发挥能量时所对应的年纪。

    Knowing the length of the solar arc at various ages , you can simply go through the list from beginning to end , ticking off each planetary pair at the ages when it becomes due .