
  • 网络market follower;Market-Followers
  1. 接着在对常州商行内部资源、核心能力及SWOT分析的基础上,提出了常州商行的战略目标、市场追随者战略、低成本战略、差异化战略、资本经营战略。

    Based on the study of the internal resources , core competence and SWOT analysis of the commercial bank , this article puts forward the strategic target : market follower strategy , low cost strategy , differentiation strategy and capital management strategy .

  2. 接着将从众行为与市场操纵结合起来,建立了市场操纵者和市场追随者之间的不完全信息动态博弈模型,分析了市场操纵与博弈行为对股票市场泡沫的影响。ll、内容提要

    By combining herd behavior and market manipulation or game behavior , we establish a dynamic game model of incomplete information between market rigger and market follower and analyze

  3. 相对竞争地位与竞争战略选择&市场追随者的战略选择博弈

    The Relative Competitive Status and the Choice of Competitive Strategies for Market Followers By Game Theory

  4. 其中,作为市场追随者,在追随市场领导者的同时,还要承受来自市场挑战者的压力。

    The followers of market whose strategy is made in conformity with the leader of market will surely be under the pressure from the challengers of market .

  5. 我们需应用博弈论的方法,分析市场追随者在各种不同情况下对于竞争战略的选择过程。

    It is assumed that game theory can be used to analyze the game between the followers and the challengers in order to describe the strategy-choosing process in different conditions .

  6. 金融城和华尔街最谨慎的权势人物展示了市场先生追随者的风格和怪癖。

    The most discreetly influential figures in the City and on Wall Street display the style and mannerisms of Mr Market 's courtiers .

  7. 但问题在于,惠普只是这个市场的追随者,而非领导者,而其竞争对手苹果公司则享有这个市场的先入优势。

    The problem , however , was that Hewlett-Packard was a follower rather than a leader in this market , going against Apple that enjoyed the first-mover advantage in this market .

  8. 因此从全国市场看来,QF品牌在厨卫电器市场上还处于追随者的地位。

    Therefore , in the market all around China , QF brand is still a follower in kitchen and toilet appliance market .

  9. 根据各个证券公司的不同竞争地位,制定不同的市场营销战略,分为市场领导者战略、市场挑战者战略、市场追随者战略和市场补缺者战略。

    According to the competitive position of each company , there are 4 different marketing strategies : market leader , market challenger , market follower and market supplier strategy .

  10. 通过对体育报业市场的描述及对《羊城体育》的案例解剖,揭示了市场追随者进行定位调整的必要性及其可能的途径。

    By describing the sports newspaper market and analyzing the case of Yangcheng Sports , this paper elaborates the needs and the possible ways about how the market-followers regulate their market positioning .