
  • 网络uterus simplex
  1. 单角子宫5例,占3%;

    5 ( 3 % ) with uterus unicornis ; angle .

  2. 结果发现有子宫解剖异常者12例,其中单角子宫2例;

    [ Results ] To find out 12 cases anatomical cacogenesis of uterus in 34 cases patients with habitual abortion , uterus unicornis was 2 cases ;

  3. 残角子宫13例及单角子宫4例,均合并同侧肾脏缺如。

    Ipsilateral renal agenesis was also seen in patients with rudimentary horn of uterus ( 14 / 14 cases ) and unicornuate uterus ( 4 / 4 cases ) .

  4. 结果:共发现子宫畸形20例,其中双子宫10例,双角子宫4例,鞍形子宫3例,纵隔子宫2例,单角子宫1例。

    Results Twenty patients had uterine anomalies . Of them , 10 had double uterus , 4 had bicornuate uterus , 3 arcuate uterus , 2 septate uterus , and the other 1 unicornuate uterus .

  5. 高强度聚焦超声单次治疗子宫肌瘤的临床研究

    The clinical study on single treatment of uterine leiomyoma by high intensity focused ultrasound

  6. 结果确诊双角子宫8例,单宫颈纵隔子宫10例,双宫颈单宫体纵隔子宫2例,青春期残角子宫4例。

    Results Definitive diagnosis indicated 8 cases of uterus bicornis , 10 cases of uterus septus with single uterine neck , 2 cases of uterus septus with double uterine neck and single uterine body , and 4 cases of puberal rudimentary horn of uterus .

  7. 单用孕激素降低子宫内膜细胞胞浆中NFκB的表达(P<0.01)。

    Progesterone alone can reduce the expression of NF κ B in cytoplasma of murine endometrial cells ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 结果典型的病变影像学表现为先天性子宫输卵管发育异常如单角,幼稚子宫,输卵管迂曲延长,上举;

    Results : The typical abnormal imaging appearance were : congenital uterus and fallopian tube malformation , such as unicornuate uterus , infant uterus , fallopian tube circuity and protraction , fallopian tube running up high ;