
qiú hǎi mián tǐ jī
  • bulbocavernous muscle
  1. 结论:女性泌尿生殖道瘘的诊治和预防都很重要,球海绵体肌瓣移植修补术为治疗女性复杂尿瘘的理想术式。

    Conclusions : The diagnosis , treatment and prevention of female urogenital fistula is very important , and the neoplasty with bulbocavernous muscle flap is an ideal method .

  2. 目的:探讨应用尿道球海绵体肌瓣修补女性复杂尿瘘的可行性。

    Objective : To explore the application of the urethral bulbocavernous muscle flap for repairing female patients with complicated urinary fistulas .

  3. 女性球海绵体肌反射临床应用初探

    The Invention of Ball Primary study of the bulbocavernosus reflex in female patients

  4. 方法以球海绵体肌替代部分肛门括约肌。

    Methods The partial sphincter ani externa muscle was replaced by the bulbocavernosus muscle .

  5. 男性球海绵体肌的构筑学研究

    Study on architecture of the male ischiocavernosus

  6. 雄性大鼠球海绵体肌运动神经元胞体及树突的分布

    Distribution of the cell bodies and dendrites of motoneurons innervating the bulbocavernosus in male rat

  7. 带蒂球海绵体肌脂肪瓣填补移植术修补复杂膀胱阴道瘘(附6例报告)

    Repair complicated vesicovaginal fistulas with bulbocavernosus muscle flap grafts ( with 6 cases of reports )

  8. 球海绵体肌瓣重叠法阴道缩窄术治疗产后阴道松弛侧壁隆突法阴道紧缩整形术

    Vaginal constriction operation by collapsing bulbocavernosus flap to cure postpartum vaginal relaxation Plastic vaginal constriction operation by forming lateral wall prominence

  9. 结果:行单纯尿瘘修补术的治愈率为81.82%,而行球海绵体肌瓣修补术的治愈率为100%。

    Results : The healing rate of simple fistulous neoplasty is ( 81.82 ) % , while the healing rate with bulbocavernous muscle flap neoplasty is 100 % .

  10. 此时暴露出的尿道球腺位置在球海绵体肌的近端背面及已切断的坐骨海绵体肌与坐骨尿道肌的前方。

    The bulbourethral glands are exposed proximal and dorsal to the bulbospongiosus muscle and cranial to the severed ischiocavernosus and ischiourethralis muscles .