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  • cauda epididymidis;cauda epididymis
  1. 大鼠附睾体及附睾尾精子的ATP酶相对活力分别为附睾头的55.7%及59.6%,而羊则为92.1%及59.8%。

    In rat , the relative activity of sperm ATPase of the caput , corpus and cauda epididymidis was 100 % , 55.7 % and 59.6 % , respectively . In ram , the order was 100 % , 92.1 % and 59.8 % , respectively .

  2. 结果表明,D组大鼠的睾丸、附睾、附睾尾重量显著低于C组(P<0.01);

    The results showed : the weight of testis , epididymis and cauda epididymis ( C. E ) in D was much lower than that of C ( P < 0.01 ), and the sperm count of C. E.

  3. T4经大鼠口服,可致附睾尾精子活率和密度明显下降而不育。

    It could significantly reduce the motility and density of the epididymal spermatozoa of rats after oral administration .

  4. 末次给药后24h,麻醉下颈椎脱臼法处死小鼠,剥离双侧附睾尾,剪碎,过滤,制精子悬液。

    All the animals were sacrificed in 24 hours after the last bFGF treatment to remove the bilateral tail of epididymis , which were cut into pieces and filtered to make the sperm suspension .

  5. 结果表明,EtO引起睾丸重量减轻,附睾尾精子数及活精率降低。

    The results showed that EtO induced decreases in weights of testis and accessory sex organs , sperm counts and sperm motility and increases in numbers of abnormal sperm in the tail of epididymis .

  6. 但在睾丸和肝脏内未见杂交信号,提示BE-20是附睾尾和近端输精管上皮细胞合成的蛋白质。

    But there are no hybridization signals in testis and liver tissues .

  7. 缺氧15天、30天大鼠附睾尾精子数显著降低。

    Quantities of epididymal sperm decreased significantly after 15d and 30d hypoxic exposure .

  8. 结论低氧可抑制附睾尾精子数量和质量,并抑制附睾液中性α-葡萄糖苷酶活性,提示低氧可干扰附睾功能,并抑制精子的成熟。

    Conclusion : Hypoxia disturbs the function of epididymis and inhibits rat sperm maturation .

  9. 缺氧各组精子活动力和活率显著降低,缺氧各组附睾尾异常形态精子数显著增加,以尾部异常为主。对附睾精子进行形态、动力学分析等。

    Epididymal abnormal sperms increased significantly in hypoxic groups . Cauda epididymal sperms were counted and analyzed with morphology and motility .

  10. 结果显示,大鼠附睾尾精子在获能孵育之初几乎不发生顶体反应,蛋白酪氨酸磷酸化也处于低水平。

    It showed that there was no acrosome-reacted rat sperm at the beginning of the culture , and protein tyrosine phosphorylation was very low .

  11. 光镜下检测每只家免附睾尾精子密度,精子活力,精子活率,最后将睾丸、附睾称重。

    On the light microscope to make detected each ribbit it tail of epididymis spermatozoa density , spermatozoa vigor , spermatozoa vigor rate , then is to take testis weighing .

  12. 水牛附睾尾精子的受精率为60.71%,卵裂率为50.39%,相对于培养卵数发育率达24.41%,相对于卵裂数发育率达48.44%;

    The results demonstrate that the fertilization rate was 60.71 % ; egg cleavage ratio was 50.39 % ; development ratio was 24.41 % comparative to the number of culture oocyte and 48.44 % comparative to the number of cleavage oocyte .

  13. 家兔附睾管尾段吸收功能的研究

    A study on absorption function of caudal segment epididymis in rabbit

  14. 研究结果表明家兔附睾管尾段具有一定的吸收作用。

    The results indicate that caudal segment of the epididymis has significant absorption funciton .

  15. 附睾体和近尾段上皮细胞呈强阳性反应。

    Subsequently , the most heavy positive reaction was demonstrated in the corpus epididymis and the proximal segment of cauda .

  16. 方法:用显微注射法把小鼠附睾头和附睾尾精子注入卵母细胞的胞质内或卵周隙进行显微受精。

    Methods : ICSI and SUZI were employed to obtain the assisted fertilization of mouse sperm from caput epididymidis and cauda epididymidis .

  17. 结果表明:仓鼠附睾肥大细胞为结缔组织型肥大细胞,多分布于附睾头与附睾尾的被膜和间质中。

    The results showed : Epididymis mast cells were belong to connective mast cells ( CTMC ), which distributed in the capsule and interstitium of epididymis caput and caudal .

  18. 睾丸至附睾每段之间2n细胞的比例差异有极显著性(P<0.01),附睾体与附睾尾之间也有明显差别(P<0.05);

    There was significant difference of 2n cells between testis and epididymis caput , corpus ( P < 0.01 ), and was also remarkable difference between epididymis corpus and cauda ( P < 0.05 ) .