
  • 网络collateral damage
  1. 他会杀死监察员,而西蒙是附带伤害。

    He 'd kill the Commissioner , and Simon would be collateral damage .

  2. 外国人不是美国宪法关心的对象,对他们隐私的侵犯是一种附带伤害。

    Foreigners abroad are not subjects of concern ; invasion of their privacy is collateral damage .

  3. 希望不会造成附带伤害我会尽我所能

    And hope that there 's no collateral damage . I 'll make sure there won 't be .

  4. 被炸的弹坑在靠近黎波里郊外的一个小农场,弹坑很小,与我过去几周看过的其他轰炸相比,不会造成大的附带伤害。

    The bomb crater , near a smallholding on the outskirts of Tripoli , was very small and there was much less collateral damage than from other bombs I have seen in recent weeks .

  5. 这趟死亡体验的主旨就是让患者想想死亡的“附带伤害”,体会一下终结生命时,他们给亲人带来的痛苦。

    The idea of the experience is to dwell on the ' collateral damage ' of death and to think about how much pain they might cause their loved ones by choosing to end their lives .

  6. 幸运的是,一些央行现在正在向市场提供长期流动性;不过,3个月期利率持续走高,意味着市场需要更多的流动性,才能确保信贷危机不会对宏观经济造成太大的附带伤害。

    Thankfully , some central banks are now supplying markets with the oxygen of term liquidity , although the continued rise in three-month rates suggests that greater volumes are needed before we can be certain of limited collateral damage to the economy .

  7. 毒性箭改回每次攻击都附带毒性伤害。(话说以前有改掉过?)

    Changed Toxic Shot back to dealing damage on every attack .

  8. 这么多附带的伤害,值得吗

    And that 's worth all the collateral damage ?

  9. 使你的攻击对不死系附带额外伤害。

    This spell causes all your attacks to deal additional damage to undead targets .