
  • 网络extras;extra point;attempts
  1. 对梳棉附加分梳板针布齿条前角的理论探讨

    Theoretical Approach into the Front Angle of Card Wires for Additional Caring Machine

  2. 梳棉机附加分梳件金属针布的设计和试验

    The Design and Test of MCC for Attached Combing Parts of a Card

  3. 每项测试最高三分。但是还有附加分。

    Each test scores up to three points – but there are bonus points .

  4. 首先,从附加分来看。

    First , the plus points .

  5. 具有两年核质量保证审查工作经验,给四(4)附加分。

    If2 years of this experience have been in nuclear quality assurance auditing , score four ( 4 ) additional credits .

  6. 本文对高产梳棉机增加分梳能力的两个主要措施&增强梳理部件分梳能力,加装各种附加分梳件进行了试验研究。

    An experimental research is made on the two basic measures to enhance the carding power of the high-production carding machine , i.e. improving the carding power and adopting various carding plates ;

  7. 将进步幅度以附加分的形式加入到学生的学习成绩中,可以增强学生的学习积极性,养成自觉锻炼的习惯,达到增强体质的目的。

    Adding the extent of progress by line bonus to students ' academic record enhance the enthusiasm of study . Let the students develop the habit of exercise consciously and strengthen physique . 3 .

  8. 应充分重视新型针布、附加分梳件、盖板反转、盖板隔距调校等技术措施对提高梳棉机梳理质量所产生的影响。

    The influence on enhancing carding quality of the technology measures such as new type card clothing , additional combing , flat reverse turn , adjusting of flat gauge and so on should be paid attention .

  9. 刺辊速度下降的原因有:原棉质量下降、清棉采用梳理打击、清梳联技术的采用、梳棉机普遍采用附加分梳件、新型梳理器材的发展。

    The reason for licker-in speed reducing are reducing of raw cotton quality , adopting of carding and beating in picking , adopting of blowing-carding technique , adopting of additional combing element in carding machine , development of new type carding apparatus .

  10. 文章从喂棉的方向、回转盖板的转向及改进、附加分梳件、加装棉网清洁器、取消盖板踵趾差等方面探讨了在清梳工序中减少棉结的方法。

    This paper discusses the ways to decrease cotton knots in the process of carding such as the direction of feeding cotton , the turning and the improvement of the cover board , appending separate carding piece , adding cotton net cleaner and canceling the difference between heel and toe .

  11. 梳棉机附加固定分梳件分梳作用剖析

    Carding Action Analyses of Additional Stationary Carding Device on Card

  12. 附加固定分梳件与成纱质量的关系

    The Relationship between Additional Fixed Carding Parts and Yarn Quality

  13. 所有价格需附加百分之十服务费。

    Prices are subject to10 % service charge .

  14. 注:这些风险水平表示有微小的附加在五分之一因癌症死亡的机会。

    Note : These risk levels represent very small additions to the1 in5 chance we all have of dying from cancer .

  15. 下图演示了将法线贴图附加在低分模型上,这里你可以看见各个分量分别为表面添加了那些附加的信息。

    Here the normal map is applied to the low-detail model , and you can see how each channel encodes the surface information along each axis .

  16. 采用间歇式投料并附加溶剂挥发分回收装置的工艺,降低了溶剂挥发损失,无二次污染。

    The rotary intermittent-fed equipment with recycling unit of solvent volatile is used in experiment , so the loss of solvent is reduced and there is no second pollution .

  17. 当代世界各国刑罚体系的结构一般都作主刑和附加刑之分,以适应惩罚轻重不同各类犯罪的需要。

    The structure of the penal system in all countries of the modern world is generally divided into the principal penalty and the accessory penalty in order to meet the demand of punishing various crimes .

  18. 采用转式间歇投料并附加溶剂挥发分回收装置的工艺,溶剂回收率高,无二次污染,可循环使用。

    Rotary intermittent-fed equipment with recycling unit of solvent volatile is used in order that high ratio of recovery of the used solvent is obtained and there is no secondary pollution . The solvent is recyclable .

  19. 介绍了简要的工艺流程,附加损耗、分光比和消光比等技术性能指标,计算方法和测试结果,以及在低温、高温、振动、冲击和浸渍等环境条件下的光学稳定性。

    The technology process , specifications such as excess loss , coupling ratio and polarization extinction , calculation and measurements are also presented . The coupler has good optical stability under environment of low and high temperature , vibration , shock etc.

  20. 含附加信息时条件分位数的估计及其渐近性质

    Estimators and their asymptotic properties of conditional quantiles in the presence of auxiliary information

  21. 美国大学生的附加健康费用一般分为强制缴纳与自愿缴纳两个部份。

    The health fee for American college students is commonly made up of two parts : a mandatory portion and a voluntary portion .