
fù ɡāo tǐ
  • corpus epididymis;corpus epididymidis
  1. 附睾体和近尾段上皮细胞呈强阳性反应。

    Subsequently , the most heavy positive reaction was demonstrated in the corpus epididymis and the proximal segment of cauda .

  2. tenella的保护作用。镉对大鼠附睾体部的损伤及锌的保护作用

    Tenella , vaccination orally given 200 μ g living recombinant bateria is the best one . THE INJURIOUS EFFECTS OF CADMIUM ON EPIDIDYMAL CORPUS AND THE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF ZINC IN RATS

  3. 大鼠附睾体及附睾尾精子的ATP酶相对活力分别为附睾头的55.7%及59.6%,而羊则为92.1%及59.8%。

    In rat , the relative activity of sperm ATPase of the caput , corpus and cauda epididymidis was 100 % , 55.7 % and 59.6 % , respectively . In ram , the order was 100 % , 92.1 % and 59.8 % , respectively .

  4. 附睾管体段和尾段腔内精子对钙调素抗体呈强阳性反应。

    The sperms in lumen of the corpus and cauda epididymis were stained heavily .

  5. 同时,以β-actin为内参照物,进行RT-PCR半定量分析,比较精子受精抗原(FA-1)在睾丸、附睾头、体、尾组织中的表达量。

    Meanwhile , semi-quantitative analysis of FA-1 expression in testis and caput , corpus , cauda epididymis was carried out by RT-PCR based on β - actin as an inner control .

  6. 小鼠附睾头和体部分区的组织化学观察

    A histochemical observation on the segment division of the head and body of mouse epididymis

  7. 结果输精管动脉支配整个输精管,附睾头、体、尾及部分睾丸实质。

    Results The vas deferens artery controlled the whole vas deferens , epididymis and partial parenchyma of testis .

  8. 结论:睾丸网液的成分通过不同作用机制影响附睾起始部和体部的结构和EGFR的表达。

    Conclusion : The components in rete testis fluid can regulate the EGFR expression and structure of epididymal duct in initial segment and corpus through different mechanism .

  9. 目的探讨小鼠睾丸巨细胞病毒(MCMV)感染对附睾尾部精子顶体反应与膜功能的影响。

    Objective To explore the effects of testis murine cytomegalovirus ( MCMV ) infection on mature sperm acrosome reaction and spermatic function of membrane in mice .

  10. 睾丸至附睾每段之间2n细胞的比例差异有极显著性(P<0.01),附睾体与附睾尾之间也有明显差别(P<0.05);

    There was significant difference of 2n cells between testis and epididymis caput , corpus ( P < 0.01 ), and was also remarkable difference between epididymis corpus and cauda ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 实验性附睾淤积症引起家犬附睾起始部主细胞超微结构异常改变,但较附睾体部所见为轻;

    The experimental epididymal retentive symptom resulted in the ultrastructure unusual changes of the principal cells of the initial segment of the dog 's epididymis , but these changes were slighter than those observed in corpus segment of the epididymidis .