
  • 网络Final score
  1. 融合时利用MPM(最小最大概率机)融合策略对两虹膜的得分值进行融合,最后利用融合后得分值决策。

    When fusing , a novel fusion strategy using minimax probability machine ( MPM ) is applied to generate a fused score for the final decision .

  2. 他们在每次掩护后得分上也接近最高。

    They also are near the top in points per screen set .

  3. 干预后得分及对待STI/AIDS病人的态度主要与干预方式有关;

    The knowledge scores and attitudes towards STI / AIDS patients are mainly influenced by the means of intervention .

  4. 其他部分追踪调查得分与干预后得分差异均无显著性(P>0.05)。

    In the other parts , the score in track investigate were as high as after intervention ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 除地震前有哪些异常外,其余各项目干预后得分均有提高,且干预前、后得分差异均有统计学意义。

    The scores of all items except the fifth one ( what 's the abnormal phenomina before earthquake ) were increased after the intervention , and the difference had statistical significance .

  6. 面板回归分析表明,加入控制变量后污染得分与人均GDP的关系仍为倒U型关系,但是拐点受控制变量选择的影响较大。

    Panel regression analysis shows that after added the control variable the relationship between pollution score and per capita GDP is still inverted U-type , but the control variables have great impact on the inflection point .

  7. 联队开球后旋即得分。

    United kicked off and scored almost immediately .

  8. 汤坦海曼队在两分钟后就得分了,对他们来说,这是旗开得胜。

    Tottenham score after only two minutes and it was first blood to them .

  9. 他一次罚球得分,两次触地后射门得分(在橄榄球赛中)。

    He kicked a penalty goal and two conversions , ie in Rugby football .

  10. 美式足球中触地得分后的得分。

    A score in American football made on a try for points after a touchdown .

  11. 接发球后抢攻得分以侧身拉球为主,并且有很高的成功率,反手位成功率不是很高。

    He relies highly on the sideway pull ball to gain score in receiving and serving phase . The success ratio is not very high in backhand serving .

  12. 他们只赢了37场比赛,在转换进攻后的得分差距中排名第22,不仅未能进入总决赛,甚至没有进入季后赛。

    They won just 37 games , ranked 22nd in pace-adjusted scoring differential and not only failed to reach the Finals , but didn 't even make the playoffs .

  13. 他从球场的一端跑到另一端,及时带球到对方球门线后触地得分。一种成扇状分叉的电路。如从一个终端控制单元到另一个终端。

    " Running the length of the field , he was able to touch the ball down just in time . " A fanned-out circuit . For example , from a terminal control unit to one terminal .

  14. 多元直线回归分析显示,基线得分和接受干预两个因素对学生干预后问卷得分有预测作用,其标化回归系数分别为0.55和0.50。

    Multi-linear regression analysis showed that the two factors & baseline score and intervention could predict the students ' scores after the intervention , and the standardized regression coefficients of the two groups were 0.55 and 0.50 respectively .

  15. 本文介绍粉煤灰经电除尘器分离后所得分电场灰密度沿电场方向的变化规律及影响因素,并阐述了粉煤灰密度与成份之间的关系。

    This paper presents the density variation pattern of the fly ash along field direction and some factors that affect the pattern after fly ash collected by specific field of electrostatic precipitator , and then gives the general relation between ash density and chemical composition .

  16. 20个患病关节治疗前、后Lequesne指数得分平均值分别为9.70±3.01和5.40±2.80,两者差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.001)。而且停药后1周,疗效仍能维持。

    Before and after treatment , the average values of the Lequesne index scores for the 20 affected joints had very significant differences ( 9.70 ± 3.01 , 5.40 ± 2.80 , P < 0.001 ), and the effect could still maintain after drug withdrawal for 1 week .

  17. 库里在挡拆配合后的总得分(只有14分)

    Total points off Curry pick-and-roll action ( only 14 )

  18. (橄榄球和美式足球中把球踢过球门的横木后)附加得分

    ( in RUGBY and American football ) to complete by kicking the Ball over the Bar of the GOAL

  19. 蛋白消化率校正后的氨基酸得分是一种新的、更准确的评价蛋白质营养品质的方法和指标;

    Recently the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Scorewas introduced as a more accurate method to evaluate protein nutritional quality .

  20. 斯普雷威尔只能傻站在那里看着球飞过头顶,罗斯接球后轻松扣篮得分。

    Sprewell could do nothing but shut-up and watched as the ball flying right over his head to Rose who slammedit home .

  21. 患者的自我满意程度观察组高于对照组,P<0.01;术后肛门功能得分观察组2.57分,对照组7.21分,两组比较,P<0.01。

    The postoperative anal function score was 2.57 in the study group and 7.21 in the control group , there was significant difference between the two groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  22. 兔子在没有麻醉的情况下纹身后的平均得分为四分,而纹身前,假纹身后和在局部麻醉的情况下纹身的平均得分均低于二分。

    Scores for rabbits tattooed without anesthetic averaged four after the procedure , whereas before treatment , after sham treatment and after treatment with a local anesthetic scores averaged less than two .

  23. 结果:(一)量化结果显示实验组学员参加探索教育活动之后,其在《生涯决策自我效能预期量表》上前后测总得分的差异值显著高于控制组学员。

    After the curriculum activities , the students that from experimental group , whose difference value in career decision-making self-efficacy scale measured before and after , is higher than control group students significantly .

  24. 并且演习后各项能力得分均高于演习前和演习中,与演习中比较有显著提高(P<0.01或P<0.05)。

    Moreover , higher scores of various abilities could be observed in the enlisted men after operational exercises , when compared with those of before and during operational exercises ( P < 0.01 or P < 0.05 ) .

  25. 治疗后临床症状累计得分数值较治疗前下降(p0.05)。

    Cumulative scores of clinical symptoms after treatment decreased than that before treatment ( p0.05 ) . 4 .

  26. 再借助SPSS统计软件得出方差极大旋转后主成分因子得分,最后再计算主成分因子的综合得分。

    It comes out varimax rotation 's principal component score in virtue of SPSS statistical software and integrated score is calculated .

  27. 在控制基线变量后,首次CESD得分与5年后自我健康评价、记忆力自我评价呈显著性正相关。

    Self rated general health and memory change were significantly correlated to baseline CESD score under controlling the effects of other baseline variables .

  28. 结果:干预后干预组GDS得分显著低于对照组(P<0.01),抑郁障碍缓解情况显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Results : The scores of GDS were higher ( P < 0.01 ) and relief of depression was more obvious ( P < 0.05 ) in the intervention group than that in the control group .

  29. Barthel指数:运动+作业疗法组在治疗后2,4,6,8周时得分均高于运动疗法组(P<0.01)。

    Barthel index : The Barthel indexes at 2 , 4 , 6 and 8 weeks after therapy were higher in the exercise + occupational therapy group than in the exercise therapy group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  30. 治疗过程中除脱落的病人外,Asberg药物副作用量表的得分情况,治疗后药物组的得分显著高于解郁调神针刺组(P<0.05)。

    During the treating procedure , besides the fall-off patients , the score of drug group after treatment is significantly higher than that of soothing liver and regulating mind acupuncture group ( P < 0.05 ), according to the score of Asberg drug side effect scale .