
  1. 中国现代主义诗歌历经意象主义、象征主义到后期象征主义,诗的思想内容和艺术方法都发生了深刻而显著的变化。

    The modernism poetry in China has experienced the stages of imagism , symbolism and post-symbolism , during which the ideological content and the artistry of the poetry have undergone prominent and deep changes .

  2. 卡夫卡也被视为是开创现代派文学先河的第一人,对后期的象征主义、荒诞主义、意识流、黑色幽默、超现实主义等诸多现代艺术流派有着特殊的影响。

    Kafka was also considered as the forefather of modern school literature and exerted a significant influence upon the schools of symbolism , absurdism , stream of consciousness , black humor , and surrealism .