
  • 网络single project
  1. 详细介绍了单体工程C-10的结构设计,对其设计特点进行了分析,比较国内的钢结构设计思想,探讨了美国钢结构设计及应用的一般概貌。

    Taking unit C-10 for example , the paper analysed its design characteristics and probed into general situation of steelwork application in U.S.A.

  2. 某单体工程钻孔灌注桩的超声波检测

    Ultrasonic testing of the cast-in-place bored pile in a project

  3. 浅议单体控制性工程先行用地

    Elementary discussion of pioneering land utilization of unit control engineering

  4. 凤凰谷作为常州市武进区标志性的大型公建项目,是全区单体投资最大的工程。

    As a symbolic large public building in Wujin , Phoenix Valley is the largest single project in investment .

  5. 中心岛顺作、周边环板逆作的设计方法在单体50000m~2深基坑工程中的实践

    Application of Central part by bottom-up method and peripheral part by top-down method design method in single deep excavation engineering of 50000 m ~ 2