
  • 网络Range Chart;Area Chart
  1. 用Matlab语言实现雷达探测范围图的绘制

    Plotting of Radar Detection Range by Matlab Language

  2. 对欠注、断裂、中心通孔等几种缺陷的形成机制作了分析,并提出了MIM成形范围图的概念。

    The forming mechanism of the defects such as short shots , fracture , and central through-hollow is discussed .

  3. 用化学试剂和实验电炉进行实验,绘制了KCl–K2SO4–Na2SO4低温融体形成的温度范围图。

    The temperature range of the eutectic mixture formation for KCl – K2SO4 – Na2SO4 system was tested and illustrated by chemical agents and an experimental electrical stove .

  4. 这里根据非对称循环载荷下的古得曼(Goodman)应力范围图,分析了在不同初始残余应力(平均应力)前提下,构件振动时效时动应力的选取应满足的条件。

    According to the Goodman draft of stress range for unsymmetrical repeating loads , it is analyzed in this paper what principle should be observed while selecting dynamic stress for VSR of workpieces with different initial residual stresses .

  5. 该新目录共汇集我国有文字记载以来的破坏性地震(M≥4(3/4))3187次,等震线图或破坏范围图209幅。

    The new catalogue collects 3,187 recorded destructive earthquakes ( M ≥ 4 ( 3 / 4 )) and 209 maps of isoseismal curves or damage ranges .

  6. 同时,给出粒径效应范围图,用于选择合理的模型基础尺寸或地基材料尺寸。

    Based on the test results , the figure indicating the scope of the particle size effects is deduced , and it can be used to choose the reasonable model foundation size and the ground materials .

  7. 利用电火花加工技术在现有刀片上加工出断屑槽,并进行切削试验,观测其断屑情况,得到断屑范围图:测量切屑形态参数,并与切屑折断数学模型理论情况进行比较。

    We use the electrical discharge machining technology to machine the groove in the insert and make cutting experimentation , observe the broken condition and find the scope of the broken chip . We also measure the parameters of the chip and compare with the mathematic model .

  8. 简化新式样专利申请案申请专利范围、图面说明及图面之记载方式或呈现之方式。

    Simplifying the forms for presenting application scope , diagrammatic explanations and diagrams for new design patent applications ;

  9. 延续算法可以计算这个稳态解随系统参数变化的大范围解图。

    The large range solution diagram of the vehicle system changing with respect to a parameter can be obtained by using the continuation method .

  10. 有效烃源岩的厚度不必很大,但有机质丰度必须高(有机碳含量大于0.5%),且要有一定的分布范围。图3表1参31(张水昌摘)

    Efficient source rocks need not too large in thickness , but must contain higher organic enrichment ( > 0 . 5 % ( wt. TOC )) intervals and have a certain distribution scope .

  11. 您和其他利益相关者还可以使用CLM仪表板中的TestCasesValidatingRequirements小工具来检查该集合的测试覆盖范围,如图5所示。

    You and other stakeholders can also use the Test Cases Validating Requirements gadget in your CLM dashboard to review test coverage of the collection , as shown in Figure 5 .

  12. 我们还讨论了在GLC的亮度监测范围内树图及一圈修正后的总截面随质心能量的变化关系。

    We discussed the relations between the cross-sections in tree level ( and one-loop corrected cross sections ) and center-mass energy in the luminosity measuring ranges of GLC .

  13. 在每个图块不超过3个可选比例的前提下,实现在可接受的时间范围内排图效果的最优。

    On the precondition that each drawing block has three or less optional ratios , optimum layout effect is achieved in acceptable time .

  14. 而我国起步较晚,刚刚完成试点编制阶段,正在进行全国范围洪水风险图的编制。

    While our country started late and just completed the pilot implementations . Now our country is beginning the national flood risk map .

  15. 您可以在不同层次的深度和不同的关系类型中跟踪关系,以了解元素的范围(参见图5)。

    You can follow relationships through different levels of depth and different relationship types to learn the scope of an element ( see Figure 5 ) .

  16. 为了获得一张真正的世界范围海平面图,库珀和他的同事从很多地方获得的个别研究数据进而把它们放在一起组成一幅全球图片。

    To get a true picture of worldwide sea levels , Kopp and his colleagues gathered data from a wide range of individual studies to put together a global picture .

  17. 本文设计了一种双照明光双参考光的全息干涉系统,能在一块干板上一次记录90°连续视角范围的干涉图。

    In this paper , a dual-illumination-beam and dual-reference-beam holographic system is designed with which interferograms of flame temperature field over a 90 ° angle of view are obtained instantaneously .

  18. 矿床矿物、岩石和矿石铅的△β-△γ变化范围成因分类图投影结果也显示出矿床形成与岩浆活动作用密切相关。

    Deposit minerals , rocks and ores of lead △β - βγ causes , map projection range also showed that the deposit formation is closely related with the magmatic activity .

  19. 采用数量判定任务,分别用2~30和5~100范围内点子图为刺激,研究个体多和少概念的发展。

    In the current research , the task of number discrimination was used to investigate the development of the concept of much and few . The numbers of 2 to 30 and 5 to 100 dots were presented to the subjects .

  20. 在公司范围(请参见图28)中,将请求消息不加修改地传入Outlet聚合,因此,此阶段没有具体操作内容。

    At the company-wide scope ( see Figure 28 ) the request message is passed unmodified into the Outlet aggregation , so there 's nothing interesting at this stage .

  21. 如果您的自定义设计器创建了任何adorner对象,您必须在您的设计器超出范围时从设计图面中删除这些对象。

    If your custom designer creates any adorner objects , you must delete them from the design surface when your designer goes out of scope .

  22. 在全世界范围,思维导图得到了广泛的应用。

    Mind Map is widely used throughout the world .

  23. 数值计算得到了转子系统在特定参数范围内的分叉图,系统存在亚谐波、概周期和混沌等非协调运动。

    The diagrams of bifurcation , sub-harmonic , quasi-periodic and chaotic motion with typical parameters are numerically created .

  24. 对于进行深入分析可能需要考虑的时间范围,这个透视图通常能提供一些启发。

    This perspective can often give you a good idea for the timeframes you may want to consider for deeper analysis .

  25. 还可以设置坐标轴的显示范围,设置等值图色标,修改色棒值等。

    Axis can also set the scope of the view , set up the equivalent diagram color code , modify the color bar , and so on .

  26. 结果:电热针可使偏低和正常范围的脑血流图波幅升高,上升时间缩短,流入容积速度提高,说明电热针可提高脑血管充盈度,使脑血管紧张度降低,使脑供血增加。

    Results showed that electric hot-acupuncture could increase the lower and normal amplitude of rheoencephalogram , shorten the ascending time , elevate the inflow volume velocity , suggesting that electronic hot-acupuncture increases cerebrovascular filling extent , lowers cerebrovascular tensity , and increases cerebral blood supply .

  27. 并以脆弱生态环境主要成因为依据初步确定了中国脆弱生态环境的分布范围,绘出中国七大类脆弱生态环境主要成因类型大范围图。

    And on the basis of fragil environment types of main formation reason , Chinese fragil environment range was primitively made out .

  28. 本文第四章提出了一种小区覆盖范围的分析方法,该方法基于大量手机实测数据,结合小区电平、采样点数目以及小区间距离等多种因素,得出小区覆盖范围示意图。

    Based on large amounts of measured data , this method combines several factors like the downlink level of the cells , the sample points number and the distance between the cells . Through this method , we can get the cell coverage map .