
fàn běn
  • model for calligraphy or painting
范本 [fàn běn]
  • [model for calligraphy or painting] 书画等可做模范临摹的样本

范本[fàn běn]
  1. 解析范本,并传送到标准输出(浏览器)

    Parses template and sends to standard output ( Browser ) .

  2. OECD税收协定范本相互协商程序研究

    Study on the Mutual Agreement Procedure of the OECD Model Tax Convention

  3. 本合同范本是在假定当事人通常都同时使用A、B两部分且在草拟每一部份条款时都应考虑到另一部外条款的情况下起草的。

    The model has been designed on the assumption that parties would normally use both Parts A and B , with each part being drafted with the other part in mind .

  4. 第四部分,研究OECD范本对我国的启示。

    The fourth part : the inspiration for our country to do research on OECD model .

  5. BBC的节目也是很好的范本。

    BBC programs are also good primers .

  6. 二十年以来,霍伊特一家(也就是论文中所提到的“H”一家)的遭遇,也成为了医学界的悲剧范本。

    For twenty years , the Hoyts , who were described in the paper simply as " the ' H " family , " served as a sad exemplar in medical literature .

  7. 通常情况下各国会通过双边税收协定予以解决,双边税收协定往往是以OECD税收协定范本作为参照。

    As usual every country solves this problem through the bilateral taxation agreement which usually refers to OECD Model Tax Convention .

  8. 论保险代理型常设机构的确定规则&《联合国范本》与《OECD范本》的比较研究

    Lacking Credit of China 's Security Agency and its Countermeasures On the Certain Regulations of A Permanent Establishment of Insurance Agency Model

  9. 从实际问题出发,探讨了FIDIC、NEC合同条件和我国《施工合同(范本)》中,有关保险条款的异同点。

    From actual problems , insurance item were discussed about FIDIC , NEC and construction contract of China .

  10. OECD范本是国际税收领域影响最深远的国际税收协定范本,其税收争议解决机制更是得到世界各国的认可。

    OECD model is the most influential model in the field of international taxation , States usually refer to the tax dispute resolution mechanism .

  11. 而IPTV就是在这样的环境下产生的一项新的应用,经过这几年的发展,IPTV已经逐渐成为三网融合的一个范本应用。

    IPTV is a new service under the circumstances and has been a model application of the tri-networks integration with the development of these years .

  12. 自1963年发布了其第一个税收协定范本以来,OECD现在每隔几年甚至一年就发布其范本的更新版本。

    Having released its first model tax convention since 1963 , OECD even releases the updated edition of its model in one year or several years now .

  13. 本文提出了在伙伴关系模式下选择合同类型的原则,分析了适用于伙伴关系模式下的ECC合同范本中的相关条款。

    This paper puts forward the principle of choosing contract category in partnering , and analyses the interrelated clause in ECC contract document that is suitable for partnership .

  14. 结合我国国情讨论OECD范本在我国的适用,并提出今后工作的建议。

    Combine our country 's national conditions , I discussed if OECD model is suitable for our country , and proposed some suggestions of the following work in practice .

  15. 第二部分,1992年以来OECD范本内容的更新变化。该部分阐述了1992年以来范本修订的变化、范本注释修订的变化以及修订工作的特点。

    Second part : update of the content of OECD model since 1992.1 have explained the changes of the revised model and commentary since 1992 , also the updated characteristic .

  16. 本文不仅回顾了OECD税收协定范本的历史演进,而且对现在正在进行的重点研究工作中一些热点问题做了阐述,希望能够更深刻地理解其历史性与时代性的统一。

    This thesis not only review the historical evolution progress of OECD model tax convention , but also explain some hot problems which are the key work that engaged in now .

  17. 主要阐述了国际税收协定的产生过程及两个范本(OECD范本及UN范本)的产生,并重点论述了OECD范本的历史发展过程。

    I have explained the process of origin of the international tax treaty and two models ( OECD model and UN model ), and have mainly described the historical evolution of OECD model especially .

  18. 在双方未对仲裁和诉讼作出选排的情况下,本范本合同将假定Icc(国际商会)仲裁是双方所希望的解决争议的优选方式。

    Where the parties fail to choose between arbitration and litigation , the model Contract assumes that ICC arbitration is the preferred method intended by the parties for the resolution of disputes .

  19. 至此,fhsph未确定车辆美学材料要求的特定例外事项,因此,未提供范本。

    At this time , fhsph has not identified specific exceptions to vehicle aesthetic material requirements ; therefore , samples are not being submitted .

  20. 文章的最后,笔者提出从转变认识、完善法律、修改合同范本、培养争端解决人才等方面构建中国的DAB争端解决机制。

    Finally , the author brings forward the idea of building up DAB dispute settlement mechanism in China through changing of cognitive , perfecting of related laws , amending on model contracts and training of qualified personnel .

  21. 而OECD协定范本因其内容的更新及时,能适应和解决经济全球化带来的各种问题,现已成为绝大多数国家签订税收协定的主要参考文本。

    OECD model , because of its timely update , its ability to meet and solve various kinds of problem which arising from economic globalization , have already become the main reference text that most countries refer to when they sign the tax treaty now .

  22. 第三部分:情报交换的国际规定。该部分主要对OECD范本、联合国范本和美国协定范本以及多边合作协定中对情报交换的规定进行总结和比较。

    Part three , international laws on the exchange of information , this part summarizes and compares the laws and regulations of the exchange of information of the countries in the world , including OECD model UN model USA model EU directives and some multilateral conventions .

  23. 本文提出生物政治的概念,以概括与GMO有关的所有政治问题及其解决机制,并以世界知名的转基因作物金大米作为分析的范本。

    This article proposes a new concept of bio-politics to refer to all of the GMO related political issues and the mechanisms handling them and uses the well known GMO Golden Rice as an analytical model to illustrate the bio-politics of the GMO .

  24. 另外,由于OSLOS公司在LED半导体行业极具代表性,OSLOS公司的竞争战略研究,对LED半导体行业的其它公司和其它相关联的公司战略管理可以提供一个可参考的范本,具有一定的借鉴意义。

    In addition , since the OSLOS LED companies in the semiconductor industry is highly representative , on the competition strategy of OSLOS company LED semiconductor industry , to other companies and other associated company strategy management can provide a reference model , has certain reference significance .

  25. 公路工程招标新范本约束下的投标对策

    Countermeasures of bidding bound by invitation-to-bid new text of highway engineering

  26. 解读高等学校的法律法规授权的组织资格&以田永诉北京科技大学案为范本展开的分析

    On the Qualification of University as An Organization Authorized by Law

  27. 典型的合同范本在一些文体书中都可能找到。

    Typical forms of contracts can be found in form books .

  28. 我头几个病人几乎是教科书上的范本。

    My first several patients were what you might call textbook .

  29. 所谓的最佳的吸引人的肢体语言范本根本就是子虚乌有。

    The idea of Super Attraction Alpha Body Language is Bullshit !

  30. 澳门是证明事情能够飞速改变的范本。

    Macau is an example of how quickly things can change .