
  1. 伴随互联网和信息技术(IT)的发展,基于Web网络的企业间B2B电子商务从单一组织扩展到企业间的交易和合作等各种商务活动中,并催生了电子供应链。

    The rapid development of the Internet and information technology ( IT ) has extended the application of web-based B2B electronic business ( e-business ) from the transactions within a single organization to various inter-organizational business activities along supply chains .

  2. 单位不再是满足个人需求的单一组织,人们可以在单位外寻求满足自身需求的空间和机制。

    People can seek the space and mechanism to satisfy the individual demand outside the unit .

  3. 公司决策权过度集中于单一组织及个人;

    The excessive concentration of policymaking ;

  4. 为此,送温暖工程必须实现从工会单一组织向全社会关心、帮助困难职工延伸;

    So , the Warmth Project should extend aid scope in order to arouse general concern in the whole society .

  5. 在启动时,提供者解析这个文件,然后装载引用的每个单一组织数据库文件。

    On startup , the provider parses this file , and loads each of the referenced single organization files in turn .

  6. 公共业务模型提供单一组织视图,从而能为所有角色、位置和语言提供可靠的跨企业报表。

    A common business model provides the single view of the organization necessary for reliable , cross-enterprise reporting for all roles , locations , and languages .

  7. 基因组计划并不是单一组织、而是来自世界各地的一些政府隶属机构和私营行业组织的活动。

    Genome projects are not a single organization 's efforts , but instead a group of organizations working in government and private industry throughout the world .

  8. 对于单一组织配置,重要的文件是customproviderdb.txt,它是单一组织提供者的数据库文件。

    For the single organization configuration , the file that is important is the file entitled customprovider_db . txt , this is the database file for the single organization provider .

  9. 若采用传统的单一组织的盘件,必然导致某些部位性能富余,某些部位性能不足,不能满足高性能发动机的要求。

    If using the traditional compressor disk with single structure , it could not make full use of the property of the material , some parts are rich in property and some are poor .

  10. 黑龙江省农业科技中介组织体系经历了从单一组织主体到多元组织主体的发展历程,现已初步形成多元化的农业科技中介组织主体格局。

    The agricultural science and technology intermediary organization system of Heilongjiang Province has experienced the development course from a single-structure main body to multiplex-structure main body , now has preliminarily formed the pluralism main structure .

  11. 目前学术界普遍把跨国公司从单一组织理解为差异化的网络组织,即跨国公司是一个差异化的、具有或多或少综合单元的全球化分布的网络,这些单元的竞争能力取决于网络资源的共享。

    Currently the academic world is changing its view on MNC from a single organization to a differentiated network organization , which means the competitiveness of these units depends on the sharing of the network resources .

  12. 尽管单一组织可以提高其所拥有的数据质量,数据可能会被其控制范围外的应用程序修改,从而导致其质量降低。

    Although a single organization can improve the quality of the data that it owns , the data may be altered by applications outside of its sphere of control , which can result in quality degradation .

  13. Ni合金结合带呈现出树枝晶及其晶间共晶的单一凝固组织。

    The bonding zone presents an even solidification microstructure comPOsed of Ni-based dendrites and interdendritic eutectics .

  14. 麦克唐奈表示,与壳牌(shell)、英国石油(bp)、ibm等公司不同,均富不是一个单一的组织,而是一些小型本地组织的集群。

    Grant Thornton is not a single organisation such as shell , BP or IBM , says Mr McDonnell , but a grouping of small , local organisations .

  15. CUBA与CUBS联赛管理机制中的组织结构设置不够健全;管理层次单一、组织分工不够细致;管理法制化建设有待提高。

    The institutional framework in mechanism of management of CUBA and CUBS can not be set up sound enough ; The administrative structure is single , divide the work carefully enough in the organization ; Manage legal construction and remain to improve .

  16. 教学方法单一、组织形式呆板等。

    Tedious teaching methods and teaching organization , and so on .

  17. 法团主义模式下,行业协会具备行业性和会员单一的组织制度特征。

    Under corporatism mode , the industry associations have " industrialize " and the " single-member " features .

  18. 作者先在理论上对规模经济与范围经济进行辨析,然后列举传媒业中与单一传媒组织以及传媒集团有关的规模经济与范围经济现象;

    At first , the author introduces the theory of scale economy and scope economy ; then analyzes the single media organization and media group ;

  19. 在现代经济运行环境下,单一经济组织拥有市场绝对优势地位的情况越来越少,因而在市场中的垄断多为合意式,亦即垄断协议。

    In the modern economic environment , a single economic organization possessing an absolutely dominant position in market becomes less and less , and the monopoly in the market is mostly consensual .

  20. 在这个过程中,旅行社行业出现了不少现实问题,如核心能力流失、产品单一、组织安排缺乏经济效率、规模过小、集团化虚设等问题。

    The industry has encountered quite a few problems during this period , such as loss of core-competition capability , unilateral product , lack of economic efficiency in organization , too small in scale and so on .

  21. 这种组织形式已经超出了单一的组织边界,将具有不同核心价值的企业联系在一起,以客户需求为导向,互相竞争与合作,形成一种网络状的组织形式。

    This organization has exceeded the boundary of a single organization , put different enterprises with core values together , take the customer demand as orientation , formed a kind of network organization form through competition and cooperation .

  22. 而我国的制造企业由于受体制及观念的影响,在服务营销领域还存在很多问题,突出表现在:营销理念的滞后、企业信息化程度低、客户服务手段单一、组织机构的变革滞后。

    Because of the impact of traditional structure and concept in our manufacturing , there are many problems in service marketing , such as , lag of marketing concept , low development of information , simplicity of service methods and delay of restructuring .

  23. 然而,我国零售企业的现状是:经营规模普遍偏小,业态传统单一,组织化程度低,组织体系难以适应国际竞争等。

    Unfortunately , the situation of the retail business of our country at present is : small in firm scale , single in the retail format style , the organization intensity is very low and its organization system does not adapt to the international competition and so on .

  24. 其中,数据的存储采用数据仓库技术,在进行数据分析之前,先将传统ERP系统单一的数据组织方式进转化成分析型处理所需要的存储方式。

    Sole Data organization way in traditional ERP system needs to be transformed as an analysis data organization way before the Data analysis process .

  25. 结果:免疫组织化学染色表明分离的GER细胞是单一的上皮组织;

    Result : Immunohistochemistry indicated that the isolated GER was purely epithelial tissue .

  26. 主题是按单一题目范围组织的一段信息。

    A topic is a chunk of information organized around a single subject .

  27. 如果某些敏感数据只能由单一个体或组织获悉怎么办?

    And what about sensitive data meant only for a single individual or organization ?

  28. 与单一的软骨组织和骨组织比,骨软骨复合组织是成分与结构较为复杂的功能器官。

    Osteochondral composition is a more complex organ than a single cartilage and bone tissue .

  29. 这种情况下,单一的企业组织既难以满足顾客的多样化需求,又难以满足顾客的便利化等要求。

    In this kind of circumstance , single enterprise organization is to meet the diverse demands and facilitation requirements of customers .

  30. 出于简化计算及提高计算速度的考虑,生物组织被假定为单一、均匀组织,具有相同的声物性和热物性。

    To simplify and accelerate calculations , the biological tissues are assumed as homogeneous tissues , with same acoustic properties and thermal properties .