
  • 网络single track tunnel;single line tunnel
  1. 单线隧道无轨运输施工装运设备配套的探索

    Research and Exploration on formation a complete set of conveying equipments for constructing single track tunnel with non rail transport

  2. 在铁道单线隧道围岩较差、地基处理范围大时,树根桩施工技术可以在狭小的施工作业空间内最大限度减少开挖对隧道洞身地层的扰动。

    In case a single track tunnel is of poor surrounding rock and of a larger scope for foundation treatment , the root pile construction technique , if used , can minimize the disturbance to the strata of the tunnel barrel in narrow and much limited construction space .

  3. 遂渝铁路单线隧道内接触网悬挂方案的研究

    Study on OCS Suspension Mode Inside Single Line Tunnel in Sui-Yu Railway

  4. 无竖井单线隧道活塞风影响因素分析

    Influence Factors of the Piston Wind in Single Line Tunnel

  5. 铁路特长单线隧道出碴运输方案研究

    The Research of Mucking Transport Method in Super-long Single Track Railway Tunnel

  6. 单线隧道帷幕注浆施工设备配套的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Curtain Grouting Equipments for Construction of Single Line Tunnel

  7. 高速铁路隧道宜首选双洞单线隧道

    Double holes and single rail tunnel , the optimizing plan for high-speed railway tunnel

  8. 单线隧道施工运输方式经济比较

    Economic comparison of single line tunnel haulage mode

  9. 列车通过单线隧道的空气阻力

    Aerodynamic Drag of Trains in Single Tunnels

  10. 软岩单线隧道新型支护结构有限元分析

    The Finite Element Analysis of the New Support Structure of a Soft Rock Single-line Tunnel

  11. 铁路特长单线隧道钻爆施工机械配置探讨

    Exploration on allocation of construction machinery for drilling and blasting operation of railway extra-long single-tracked tunnels

  12. 首先用空气动力学理论分析列车在有通风竖井的单线隧道内行驶时引起的活塞效应。

    First of all , from the aerodynamic theory formula , analyzed piston effect caused by train when traveling in the singlet tunnel with ventilation shaft .

  13. 在地铁施工中受地形条件限制有时会遇到两条单线隧道近距离施工情况,有的间距超出了规范的要求。

    The situation of two tunnels with short distance between them will be encountered in the construction of metro , because of the limitation of topographical conditions , sometimes their spacing is beyond rule of code .

  14. 本文在对铁路单线隧道无轨运输装备的现状及存在的问题进行分析的基础上,提出了一些探索性思路和建设性意见,以供现场参考。

    Based on the analyses of the recent situation and the existing problems of the conveying equipments for constructing single track tunnels with non rail transport , several conceptions and suggestions are proposed for reference in situ .

  15. 天池隧道施工有两个特点,一是施工中运用了自行开发的铁路单线隧道配套设备进行施工;

    The construction of Tianchi Railway Tunnel features the rapid construction with self - developed complete sets of equipment for single - track tunnel and the excavation of soft surrounding rock section by adding an access tunnel .

  16. 最后,将软岩隧道在掘进机施工与爆破施工下的围岩变形及力学响应进行对比分析,进而拟定标准单线隧道采用掘进机与爆破相结合的施工方案,并进行了施工效应的预测。

    Finally , by a comparative analysis of the surrounding rock deformation and dynamic response of the construction of soft rock tunnel by tunnelling machine and blasting , then the best parking line tunnel excavating scheme is put forward : the combination of tunnelling machine and blasting method .

  17. 单线铁路隧道按标准设计断面如果要承受水压也是有限的,超过40m的静水头最好采取其它优化型式的断面。

    The capacity hydraulic pressure bearing of standard design section in single-track railway tunnel is limited . Other optimized sections should be used when static head is higher than 40m .

  18. 结合我国地铁区间单线盾构隧道直径6m左右的实情,提出了在盾构隧道的基础上修建三条平行隧道岛式站台车站方案。

    Authors of the paper put forward a project of a metro station with three parallel tubes and an island type platform based on the shield tunnels with a diameter of about 6m for single line traffic .

  19. 研究结果表明:单线铁路隧道直墙式衬砌高水压第一分界值为0.05~0.10MPa,第二分界值为0.18MPa;

    The results show that in single-track railway tunnel , the first boundary value of high hydraulic pressure upon upright wall lining is 0.05-0.10 MPa and the second boundary value is 0.18 MPa ;

  20. 饱和性黄土质单线铁路隧道施工技术

    Construction technique for single track railway tunnel in saturated loess area

  21. 单线铁路隧道洞门结构分项系数的研究

    Analysis of Partial Coefficients of Single-Track Railway Tunnel Portal Structures

  22. 特长单线铁路隧道无砟轨道道床施工技术

    Construction Techniques for Ballastless Rail Road Bed in Extra-long Single Track Tunnel

  23. 某单线铁路隧道的稳定性分析

    Study on stability 0f a single track railway tunnel

  24. 单线铁路隧道软管通风技术初步试验研究

    Experimental Study of the Ventilating Technique with Soft Pipes in Single-track Railway Tunnels

  25. 对单线长隧道无轨运输施工的再思考

    Review on the Construction of Long Single & Track Tunnel with Tyre Transportation

  26. 复杂地质条件单线铁路隧道施工技术措施

    Technical measures of single-track tunneling in deteriorative geological areas

  27. 对单线铁路隧道全环整体模筑衬砌台车和施工工艺进行了研究。

    The platform and the construction technology for full-circular monolithic lining are studied .

  28. 单线铁路隧道通风控制方法研究

    Study on the Single-Track Tunnel Ventilation Control Method

  29. 新建铁路用地优化的研究某单线铁路隧道的稳定性分析

    On the Land-using Optimization of Railroad Construction STUDY ON STABILITY 0F A SINGLE TRACK RAILWAY TUNNEL

  30. 乌鞘岭隧道是兰新线重点控制工程,是国内最长的单线铁路隧道。

    Wushaoling railway tunnel is the longest single-track railway tunnel in China and is the key project of Lanxin railway line .