
  • 网络Attraction range;domain of attraction;west Sussex;Assign Proximit y
  1. 区域人口密度函数与增长模式:兼论城市吸引范围划分的GIS方法

    Analyzing regional density functions and growth patterns in China with a GIS-based method delineating influential regions of cities

  2. 由全形态Voronoi图的基本定义和旅游区划的内容可以看出,全形态Voronoi图最为适合这种地理客体的空间吸引范围的划分。

    Comparing the concept of voronoi diagram to the district partition of tourism resource , it can find voronoi diagram is very fit .

  3. 在分析城市吸引范围特点的基础上,指出了忽视实体属性的普通Voronoi图不能有效地表达城市吸引区空间网络。

    Based on analyzing the characteristic of city 's attracting scope , the article points out that the ordinary Voronoi diagram neglecting object attribute cannot express effectively city 's spatial attracting network .

  4. 根据城市引力模型导出了城市吸引范围的边界曲线方程,探讨了曲边Voronoi多边形的自动生成方法。

    According to the city gravitation model , the article deduces the curve equation of the boundary of the city 's attracting scope and studies the automatic forming method of the curving Voronoi polygon .

  5. 通过深入分析城市断裂点理论的性质,并应用加权Voronoi图对其扩展,发现了包括传统断裂点在内的城市吸引范围的理论上的准确边界,提出了“断裂弧”的概念。

    The exact boundary of each city 's absorbed region in theory is found and the conception of breaking arc was put forward by analyzing the breaking point theory deeply , and expanding the theory with weighted Voronoi diagram .

  6. 但是提高能源利用率的方法有着更广的吸引范围。

    But the energy efficiency approach could have broad appeal .

  7. 结点站吸引范围内集装箱运输组织方式研究

    Ways of Organizing Container Traffic in a Node Station

  8. 引力模型在旅游目的地客源吸引范围划分中的应用&以天津蓟县为例

    The Application of The Gravitational Models in Subdivision of Tourists Market in Tourism Destination

  9. 公司发行不同种类的股票以吸引范围广大的各类投资者。

    Corporations issue different types of stock to appeal to a wide variety of investors .

  10. 并分析了京津对河北省城市吸引范围的影响。

    It also analysis the attractive region 's influence which causes by Beijing and Tianjin .

  11. 基于引力模型和群决策理论的物流园区空间吸引范围

    Discussion of spacial attracting scope of logistics park based on gravity model and theory of group decision

  12. 为了扩大轨道交通的客流吸引范围,进行了接运公交线路规划方法的研究。

    In order to extend the passenger-attracting scope , the method for feed bus route planning is developed .

  13. 多数专家预计,这些学校可能必须要变得更有竞争力,以吸引范围更广的客户群。

    Most experts expect these schools may have to become more competitive to attract a wider customer base .

  14. 基于时间可达性的城市吸引范围的划分&以长江三角洲为例

    Delimitation of central cities attracting scope based on time accessibility : A case study of the Yangtze River Delta

  15. 当模型曲线距离感兴趣边缘较远时,选取较大的尺度,以增大吸引范围;

    When the model is far from the interested boundary , a large scale is selected to increase the attracting area .

  16. 哈(尔滨)大(连)交通经济带是我国形成历史早、吸引范围广、区域特征明显、发育阶段完善的沿路型交通经济带。

    Traffic economic belt ( TEB ) is a kind of belt-shaped regional economic organization system , which takes the lineal bunch of infrastructure as its development axis .

  17. 然后通过对山东省城市中心性的分析确定了6个省域中心城市,并对6个中心城市的吸引范围进行了研究,在此基础了提出了山东省城市经济区划分方案。

    Then through researching on the centricity of major cities in Shandong province , this paper chose 6 cities as the central city of Shandong , and calculated their hinterland .

  18. 界定了综合运输网中通道需求规划的相关域,包括通道的吸引范围、集散点及其对外交通需求预测等。

    The paper identifies the area about corridor demands planning in comprehensive transportation net , involving the attractive area of corridor , accumulating and dispersing node and external traffic demands prediction .

  19. 引入自适应改变大小的外部约束能量来增大吸引范围,使控制点能够不依赖于初始轮廓而快速地收敛到目标的真实轮廓。

    It introduces exterior sanction energy which can adaptively change its value to enlarge suction , and it makes control points quickly converge to the real contour without depending on the initial contour .

  20. 首先,通过对车站的客流吸引范围和车站内外设施布置的论述,分析了车站吸引能力和服务水平;通过分析城市轨道交通列车在站的特征,指出了旅客在车站候车花费的时间。

    First of all , the passenger flow attraction scope and facility layout of station are discussed , the service ability of station is analysised ; Through the analysis of urban rail transit in the characteristics of rail station , the passengers waiting time is pointed out .

  21. 在研究分析昆明铁路集装箱结点站运输市场现状及发展前景的基础上,根据昆明结点站集装箱吸引范围,预测了昆明结点站近远期集装箱的运量,为确定结点站建设规模打下基础。

    The containerized traffic of Kunming terminal is forecasted by Kunming terminal attraction area , based on Kunming containerized traffic marketplace present situation and the foreground . And we study on how the distances between the roots and the order of the roots affect the distribution of the attraction area .

  22. 象这类类似RubyHoedown的区域性会议一般只会吸引小范围的观众。

    This type of conference , regional much like the Ruby Hoedown , often attracts a narrow audience .

  23. 对城市吸引区范围界定的理论分析

    A Theoretic Analysis of Ascertaining the Cities ' Gravitation-Regions

  24. 同时两校都是中国一流大学,吸引着全球范围内的优秀学生,并鼓舞着其他国家高校的发展,泰晤士高等教育排名的编辑PhilBaty表示。

    Both act as national flagship institutions , attracting global talent and inspiring others , said Phil Baty , editor of Times Higher Education Rankings .

  25. 贵方吸引外资的范围取决于什么因素?

    What be the factor determining the scope of your absorption of foreign capital ?

  26. 在理论上,我们讨论了异联想记忆模型的存储能力,训练模式的渐近稳定性和吸引域的范围。

    The storage capacity , the asymptotic stability , and domain of attraction are examined mathematically .

  27. 这意味着它们在中国吸引的消费者范围比在成熟市场更为广泛。

    This means they attract a wider range of shoppers in China than in more mature markets .

  28. 在试运行测试中,哈佛商学院发现,被课程吸引的学生范围要比此前的预期更加广泛。

    In its beta test , Harvard discovered that the program attracted a much broader group of students than it expected .

  29. 8,城市化过程中大城市迁入人口比重大,吸引迁移的范围广。

    8 , Big cities grow more by migration than by natural increase in the process of urbanization , and attract population from long distances .

  30. 在过去的几十年中,量子点异质结构由于其独特的光电特性吸引了全球范围内众多研究者的兴趣。

    During the past few decades , quantum dot ( QD ) heterostructures have attracted increasing attention of the researchers in the whole world owing to their unique optoelectronic properties .