
  • 网络Fecal suction truck
  1. 工作人员忙解释:“吸粪车作业的时候自然会有臭味,我们也没办法。”

    When dung Staff favour explanation : " sucked homework DE la villette there are natural smell , we didn 't also way . "

  2. 没料到,该男子根本不听劝,抄起地上的砖头就砸向吸粪车。

    Didn 't expect , this man didn 't persuaded , start to copy the ground brick is to suck up DE la villette .

  3. 通用吸粪车前轮后轮承受负荷是光,在沉重的负荷下轻轮胎轮胎磨损。

    General DE la villette front rear wheels , suck up the load is light , and in heavy load tire wear light tyres .

  4. 附近的一居民说:“这辆吸粪车每天都过来,作业的时候臭味是很大,但公厕需要每天清理,居民们也就忍了,砸车实在不应该。”

    A nearby residents say : " the suck every day to come over , homework DE la villette when is a big stink , but need cleaning toilets every day , and the residents also endure , hit the car can 't really . "